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9 replies i'm trying to share one map in the forum but i can't because the file is to big what can i do? file is too big? what's so big about it? just put in an archive the map and sprites/thingies if you have addded to it any custum, upload at or something and give the link from the upload DC Admin
the max filesize which is allowed here should be enough for even big maps. use the right file formats and compression levels. Unreal Software can't allow everyone to upload big files because those files need much space and they produce very much traffic. super users are allowed to upload bigger files but you have to make great stuff over a longer period of time to become a super user.
as lenz said: use another hoster and just post the link if you don't manage to make the file small enough. sorry its not big is the wrong file tipe so what file should i put? DC Admin
you have to put it in a zip archive. use tools like winzip or winrar to do this. if i use the rapid share i can't pass from the upload part =X as long as i see there is the browse botton, click it and choose the file, then click upload below...what is so wrong/hard about it, please write deeper description for your problem, this way as you your last reply reads just sounds shit and doesent make very sensefull thing
sorry about that but i'm not english i am not english what? Even Dc himself is not english ^^, but thats not on the topic, you just have to remember the means of 2 words for uploading lolz Take your map and compress it using winzip or winrar (you can do that by rightclicking that map and selecting "add to archive").
Better choose to archive it in ZIP format because RAR often has upload problems (or maybe its just my pc).