When my brother stopped playing Battlefield Vietnam something happened...
Some dots like coloured noise started to appear on some places...firstly i thought something with the monitor is going...And when i restarted my computer...
Things went worse...my firewall turned of by itself.
And everything become 10 times slower than asit was.
When i lounched one game it it says something about the graphics or something i dk but nothing works thought.I don't know what to do...if i have to preinstall my computer many things will be deleted and i really willl nedd about a week to revive them

Please tell me what's with my computer...

PS:I chat from my sister computer so don't ask me how am i postings this.
PSS:My brother didn't bother nothing other ,only played BV...so please no shit like "your brother done something".
PSSS:If i buy a new monitor will i have to preinstall my machine?
Please help me.