
Playstation 2 Emulator for PC
22 repliesrules
Downloading the Bios is illegal.
look at the page
and the on the topic GUIDE and the text says
"BIOS(Basic Input Output System)
In this drop down menu you will find your bios image, if you have one and have put it in the selected bios folder. Note that the only LEGAL way of obtaining a bios is dumping it from your OWN Playstation 2 console. DO NOT ask where to get the bios in the PCSX2 forum,because it's against the rules.That's because the ps2 BIOS is a copyrighted material of Sony and that makes its' distribution illegal, meaning NGemu could get in trouble if it was found out that we were supplying people illegaly with bios files. You can find out if your BIOS image is valid or not by checking if there is a percentage besides it in the BIOS drop down box of the main configuration screen. If it does, your BIOS image is NOT valid. Also if it does not even appear there even after you have selected your right bios directory, it is once again an invalid image. "
In this drop down menu you will find your bios image, if you have one and have put it in the selected bios folder. Note that the only LEGAL way of obtaining a bios is dumping it from your OWN Playstation 2 console. DO NOT ask where to get the bios in the PCSX2 forum,because it's against the rules.That's because the ps2 BIOS is a copyrighted material of Sony and that makes its' distribution illegal, meaning NGemu could get in trouble if it was found out that we were supplying people illegaly with bios files. You can find out if your BIOS image is valid or not by checking if there is a percentage besides it in the BIOS drop down box of the main configuration screen. If it does, your BIOS image is NOT valid. Also if it does not even appear there even after you have selected your right bios directory, it is once again an invalid image. "
And D1aMoNd_ hd posted a link to the bios = illegal
This page is not for ddl
edited 1×, last 01.12.07 11:20:05 pm
FireDragon has written
I cant useit. When i start it, it say:
C:\Programme\Pcsx2\plugins\SPU2null.dll: Error loading SPU2DMA4irqCallback: Error loading Symbol
How can i Fix it?
I want to play my PS2 games on the PC.
EDIT: I installed it new now it is "working". I cant use my DvD's. The emu says everytime: ERROR: Set cooperativlevel.
How can i make my own ISO files?
C:\Programme\Pcsx2\plugins\SPU2null.dll: Error loading SPU2DMA4irqCallback: Error loading Symbol
How can i Fix it?
I want to play my PS2 games on the PC.
EDIT: I installed it new now it is "working". I cant use my DvD's. The emu says everytime: ERROR: Set cooperativlevel.
How can i make my own ISO files?