PS2 Emulator:
Click-2U Playstation 2 Emulator is an emulator which can load Playstation 2 CD/DVD´s and run the game like A Playstation 2. This Software contains all BIOS for all Countries. Also has the best plugins for the best quality. The new version is 600% faster than the previous version.
Operation System: Windows 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP/2K3
Download BIOS + Emulator (Size 21 MB)
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
How To Use an Emulator:
1. Some Emulators have a folder set as the default for games, make sure the ROM file goes in that folder. If there is no folder automatically set, you will have to set one yourself.
2. Most Emulators have a (File>Open ROM) option, so do that, and a box will appear to select your game file.
3. Pick the game you want to play (The ROM file).
1. Run at Full Speed, 600 time faster then the Old one.
2. Doesn't Support ISOs.
3. Play PSX, PS1 & PS2 CDs/DVDs. Admin/mod comment
As far as I know, most emulators are illegal, too -.-/Flying Lizard HW User
Concerning Lizard's Mod Comment:
ROMs are in most cases illegal. But the emulators you run them with aren't.
If you buy a PS2 game and run it through an emulator like this (i.e. because you don't own a PS2), there is no legal problem with that; you have bought the software and no company can prescribe what system you have to run it on. Such a scenario might be seldom, but it does occur from time to time.
Therefore, I'll reopen this thread for it does not contain illegal content.
However, if anyone posts links to ROMs or ISOs, his post will be instantly censored and deleted. If people are too insisting on posting such illegal links, this thread will be closed again. So be aware of this before posting. Sorry
well i think its good you posted this..
i downloaded as soon as i reed it
thanks for telling us
I cant useit. When i start it, it say:
C:\Programme\Pcsx2\plugins\SPU2null.dll: Error loading SPU2DMA4irqCallback: Error loading Symbol
How can i Fix it?
I want to play my PS2 games on the PC.
EDIT: I installed it new now it is "working". I cant use my DvD's. The emu says everytime: ERROR: Set cooperativlevel.
How can i make my own ISO files? edited 2×, last 15.11.07 05:57:03 pm
eahm... emulators are not illegal BUT the bios for this one is fully illegal. I kniw this --> google
also if u have a ps2 Uhm, Sniper: Google is not all-knowing
Besides, if you have a PS2, it's the same like with all Roms:
You're allowed to download and use the one you own
ANd how do i get these roms? HW User
FireDragon has written
ANd how do i get these roms?
That is the sort of information I don't want to run around in these fora.
If you have PS2 Games bought, you should be able to put their discs into your PC's CD-Tray and play 'em through your emulator. noo... the bios is illegal to download. you can pick your own ps2 and pick out the bios of it^^
But downoading the bios is illegal also im u have a ps2. @HW: Im trying to use my PS2 DVD's, but they are not working. How can i make my own ISO-Files? noo... the bios is illegal to download. you can pick your own ps2 and pick out the bios of it^^
and downoading the bios is illegal also im u have a ps2.
Ive tried it in the past too but i saw on the hompage of this ite that its ILLEGAL to download it.
bizzl you are not all knowing and if u dont know anything then dont comment with your crap
"In this drop down menu you will find your bios image, if you have one and have put it in the selected bios folder. Note that the only LEGAL way of obtaining a bios is dumping it from your OWN Playstation 2 console. DO NOT ask where to get the bios in the PCSX2 forum,because it's against the rules.That's because the ps2 BIOS is a copyrighted material of Sony and that makes its' distribution illegal, meaning NGemu could get in trouble if it was found out that we were supplying people illegaly with bios files. You can find out if your BIOS image is valid or not by checking if there is a percentage besides it in the BIOS drop down box of the main configuration screen. If it does, your BIOS image is NOT valid. Also if it does not even appear there even after you have selected your right bios directory, it is once again an invalid image. " edited 1×, last 17.11.07 11:56:20 am
Sniper has written
Ive tried it in the past too but i saw on the hompage of this ite that its ILLEGAL to download it.
*sigh* If you say so. I haven't looked arround on my own, since this can be quite annoying, but you're right, it seems like sony has (as always
) his own rules.
Sniper has written
bizzl you are not all knowing and if u dont know anything
Sure I am not all knowing, and I never said I am, but I do know that in general you're free to download dumped ROMs under the condition that You own the original device. This applies for NES Roms, GBX Roms, SNES Roms, Roms for Arcademachine (if not made public, like polyplay or gridlee), most other Game Roms I know, but also for Amiga Kickstart Roms and BIOS Roms für PC mainboards
Sniper has written
then dont comment with your crab
What crab, I don't see any
edited 1×, last 16.11.07 03:32:24 pm
you said you're right Although you wrote that it is legally Sniper has written
you said you're right Although you wrote that it is legally
I said what I knew
And afair it is legal to download dumped roms if you have the real devices. And even though what is written on this pages, I am not sure, where it applies, and if it real applies at all
And now tell me (via pn perhaps) where the heck you see a crab, I can't find any... I saw it on the hompage of this emulator
look there under the section guides i think, and then watch for it.
and its not "crap" its so from sonys copyright edited 3×, last 17.11.07 11:56:01 am
how do i get the emulator to work?
i can open and use it but how to play with it? well first of all make sure you have a Playstation disc in your computer and click 'RUN Disk' then it should load the disk. If you don't have any playstation disc's i can upload some ROM's if im allowed. no you aren't
ok i will respect your decision