
Need Dev. Team
13 replies

best knowledge to scripting language-Actionscript

edited 3×, last 21.07.07 06:18:23 am
AK25 has written this is all i can give for now im kinda busy :S
EDIT: Im using Blitz 3D
i found a good working one
EDIT: Im using Blitz 3D

3DGS or Blitz3D?
What do you mean with "i found a good working one"? You mean ripped one

You should give more information about the game...
if not made already it will be set as The godfather Gangster War
you will be able to select from 5 different gangs blowing up each others compound and etc. the gangs/familys will be from the movie of GodFather
these families are found in the GF game, but these are not the families from real life

some objectives will be
-Blow Up Opposite Families Compound
-Steal Opposite Families Money
-(And MAYBE)Extort other families buisnesses and rackets

So instead of hostages it will be money bags

i currently have no one helping with this operation
since its a CS2D Mod it will be topdown, have its own servers
the first few custom maps will be taken from the movie/game
this game is setted in the Busy Streets of New York City in the USA, so the maps will be in the city

Click Here For Video Clip this is a video clip from the Godfather for PC, the guy talking is not speaking english but o well
the guns in this mod will be like this
Cheap Price Ranged
Snub Nose .38 (i tihnk .38 or .83)
Pistol (not Specified)
Tommy Gun
Magnum (pistol Very Strong)
Doubled Barreled Shotgun
Higher Priced Guns
Saturday Night Special (Snub)
Dilinger (Tommy Gun)
Street Sweeper (Shotgun)
Python (Magnum)
Assasins Pistol (Pistol)
Lead Pipe
the Bat (lead Pipe) and Fist will come with u not to be payed for

and possibly Player Editor so u can create the look of your player so other Players can see
i will try to make a ladder of Trades or w/e to see who is most progressing in the game so u can veiw this in the menu, if you get high enough to Don of NYC this will unlock Unlimited ammo until u get beat... and someone else takes the position
this is all i got now
anything else?
Lower Priced Weapons
Molotov Cocktail(1)
Dynamite (HE)
Higher ranged weapons
Besides I wouldn't be able to help fulltime anyway, have enough own stuff to do.
btw, Your game sounds like a clone of GTA or Mafia. Good luck

Sry, can't help ya, since I neither speak Blitz nor 3DGS
mee to

i knew some blitz basic before but i stoped interesting in it and now i dont know anything...
Blitz is actually easy to learn compared to some of the other languages (C, JAVA) though I haven't learned it yet
another weapon i forgot
garrote wire
sneak on ur enemies and strangle them from behind, this can not be stopped
edited 1×, last 23.07.07 08:24:43 am

edited 1×, last 24.07.07 08:29:38 pm