If you ask me, BF2:2D doesn't sound that bad...

The future :O
13 replies

If you ask me, BF2:2D doesn't sound that bad...

and nothing 3D. thats all I'm going to say

Still, BF2 2D doesnt sound bad at all....

so it will be no "bf 2d" or "ut 2d" or "[insert name of a 3d game] 2d"
Dicker has written
Is that a try of subconscious influence? 

No fucking 2d clone of a 3d game again?

EDIT: waitaminute....... in your first reply DC you said no 3D games.......then you said no 2D games...clones anyway..... so DC's gonna do original 2D games now????

Still, he could make 3D versions of 2D games!

but I could do a 2d clone of a 2d game

E_net4 has written
Nopes. He said he won't make 2D versions of other 3D games.
Still, he could make 3D versions of 2D games!
Still, he could make 3D versions of 2D games!

Counterstrike 2D: 3D!!!!!!!

but 2d clones of 2d games are ripoffs DC

furthermore I said: but I could do a 2d clone of a 2d game

Ther will be a bit less than a year before DC will get to develop properly again, perhaps even more. Everything can et to his mind in this time.
Let it be, we'll see when it comes...