house with red roof, with a door you can open (and storage like sail raft)
the yo.. err the big white boat(with lots of storage

the guns and ammo

items needed for ammo: gold, iron and "bang shrooms" (maybe make an item that pacifies the shrooms when you get near them)
items needed for guns: amount of iron and wood dependent of what one you make
the big white boat:
lots and lots of wood(logs/branches/bamboo) lots of iron, some gold and some crystals some hide and cotton/wool and cord
plants: plant able bamboo
new items:
storm lantern fueled by some kinda oil you have to make from something on the island
shipwright(jetty with large storage attached):
storage for building your boats,
when you "use" the building you are asked "do you want to store or build items" you load the storage up with items needed for the build.
once you have everything, go to build option and select "build" after a min or 3 the boat appears! (yes the log raft sail raft and that big white one and if you like, mod the plane so its a seaplane and floats and have that in there too)
also, if you use build option while a boat is parked nearby, you could have upgrades, upgrade log boat to sailboat, upgrade sailboat to white boat and.. hell why not add a machine gun! (uses players x hairs to aim and replaces default in-hand item when lmb is pressed, rmb switches between in-hand weapon and ship weapon
so thats at least a few ideas ive had, im useless at this codding and moddeling stuff, otherwide i would be intoit myself
have fun!
edited 1×, last 09.11.14 08:27:13 am