1. Open CS2D then New game and your PORT: 36963
2. Start the game.
3. Then Quit your Game.
4. Open dedicated server.
5. Then Open your CS2D again then Find server and LAN.
If not work try to start your server with -realport 36963
First Stop dedicated server
Did you do port forward?
(If no) Add in Windows Firewall Add in router's interface too..
If you did, but still not work Reboot your system If not works, do you use Anti-virus software, which also have firewall, or port protection? If yes, add 36963 port to it.
Then reboot your pc and start server again..
Everything working fine with port 36963.
This only happened when i use another port. In this case : 33963
Im 100% sure port 33963 is open on my computer.
The rearson why i dont use port 36963 ? Wow, I think is may lag because many server use it.
If port 36963 just like any other port. So the problem solved ! cookie for all
The rearson why i dont use port 36963 ? Wow, I think is may lag because many server use it.
This is nonsense. The port number you are using does NOT affect your latency/ping in any way. It also has zero impact on your server which ports other servers are using. These are totally unrelated systems which do not affect each other in any way.
Conclusion: Just use port 36963 if you want your server to be in the LAN tab.
There are at least two reasons to use other ports anyway: The port is already used by another program (or maybe by another CS2D server because you run multiple servers on the same machine). Each local port can only be used by one program at a time! You can't run two servers with port 36963 at the same machine at the same time. The port is blocked by a firewall or not forwarded properly in the router and you are not able to change this