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English 3th Reich music

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closed moved 3th Reich music

Ultimate programmer
BANNED Off Offline

Hello guys and gays(if where are on this site).

What music of this period do you listen?
If you will listen it you will have problems with §86?

As for me i like:
Ich bin ein Freirer Wildbretzschutz-Please find the text for this song plz...

70 Millionen, ein Schlag
Die braune Kompanie-the most music(Unknow author :(( )
Am Adolf Hitler Platz-very funy german dream
Als die goldne Abendsonne -i like marsch lied-s ))
Viktoria Sieg Heil-also super music

Also i like other German millitary music of other periods(before 3th Reich)

If you know other good music recommend it to me )

old Re: 3th Reich music

Reviewer Off Offline

What are you, a wannabe nazi or something..?

You can't even speak German correctly.

old Re: 3th Reich music

Ultimate programmer
BANNED Off Offline

You can't even speak German correctly-offcource,i do not even learned it. so i ask you make text of Ich bin ein Freirer Wildbretzschutz-i do not understand words(bad quality+i also can not understand words of RUSSIAN rap,rock!! so i thing i do not need say about foreign languages)

wannabe nazi -almost ) i like empires(strong countries,flags,symbals) also i like USSR and i love it(Russia is really shit then it)

old Re: 3th Reich music

Reviewer Off Offline

But Nazi shit is forbidden in Germany. This website is from Germany. Therefore, it's forbidden here. Get lost.

old Re: 3th Reich music

Ultimate programmer
BANNED Off Offline

I think you really still want and dream it )-who do not want be power.

forbidden in Germany:

the Communist party of Germany also is forbidden-wtf.
seriosly this law forbid socialism.
Communism is socialism?
nSdap is not socialism?

this law is very stupid,soft and uncorrectly(it do not say what is nazi content-a lot of russian laws are as it-so much oligarchs(-thay have found "doors" in laws to buy(cheap) petroleum plants)-read wikipedia

forbidden-somethink germanhave this world -en )) I know not say

old Re: 3th Reich music

User Off Offline

user Ultimate programmer has written
Hello guys and gays

Hi douchebag.

user Ultimate programmer has written
What music of this period do you listen?

None of it. Mostly because I don't want to be accused of being a Nazi.

user Ultimate programmer has written
If you will listen it you will have problems with §86?

I don't live in Germany so its laws won't affect me that much in the United Kingdom. Again, though, I wouldn't want to be accused of being a Nazi.

user Ultimate programmer has written
Ich bin ein Freirer Wildbretzschutz-Please find the text for this song plz


user Ultimate programmer has written
Also i like other German millitary music of other periods(before 3th Reich)

It's called the 3RD REICH. And I wouldn't consider it a healthy option to go around saying "I LOVE NAZI MUSIC" because it'll just make you look like a douche.

user Ultimate programmer has written
If you know other good music recommend it to me

Definitely not propaganda (or Nazi) related shit. If you want anything better go Google for a related genre and find some websites on that kind of music genre.

old Re: 3th Reich music

Deleted User

DC, Please, ban this stupid nazi.
Nazis is not welcome here... Be gone.

old Re: 3th Reich music

Moderator Off Offline

Oh, as always, Nazi kids who can't even spell the name of that which they're fans of properly. Begone.

old Re: 3th Reich music

Admin On Online

His account just got hijacked - obviously. To all moderators: This is going on for weeks already. Always expect that accounts got hijacked. You can very easily see that by checking the used IPs. Hijacked accounts are normally controlled with proxy IPs or IPs which are from another country than the IPs that have been used before.
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