I found an awesome video on Youtube an its about... well, watch it yourselfs
So the question is: Do you want to have a good days like that ? Admin/mod comment
Unrealsoftware has users below the age of 16, so don't post videos like that here. /ohaz This sucks. Close this thread, anyone. I closed the video at the second I saw Russian text.
This thread was made by one, therefore is retarded and deserves to be closed.
medeiros has written
This thread was made by one, therefore is retarded and deserves to be closed.
I double this.
Whanna have-have, yo.
medeiros has written
I closed the video at the second I saw Russian text.
lol start to watch it on 01:00 min. Nothing worthy to watch there, I do something like that every day with my female friends. Stupid thread idea with stupid poll options. Yeah I don't see this thread getting locked any time soon~ Totally not.
inb4 lock Max-Russia returns with another wave of crappy pointless threads! Let's celebrate! I know that video, the most girls are ugly, but a few ... rawr.