
Unknown users...
16 replies

I like opening old,rusty threads.On the way,I have seen some users with gray names
.DC,can you tell me what that means?

the gray names are quit/remove in US so there are now gray names
Zeroarcanus and EngiN33R are right.
I remeber reading a old news where DC disbaled it but i can´t find the one right now.
Posting as guest has been disabled a LONG time ago because... you know... the internet = mainly kids, idiots and stupid assholes...

Also people will just register more and more accounts and if an account gets deleted all the posts will disappear, nothing will make sense any more. Total chaos.

[...] Then what's the point of the "Remove account" on your profile page near your avatar?

Imma click it now.
EDIT:oh that message appears when you click it