Nazi ideology is enemy of all the world. Where are no nationals that are clever, beautifuler then others. Where are a lot of designers,musicians from Russia,USA,Japan,Germany, Israel etc. So this idea is really stupit.
So we need shot to 3times to the air and cry "URA-A--A","Yea-a-a","Hitler kaput" etc. Our grandmothers and fathers have won it. Unfortunally have diead a lot of people at Secon World War-27 millions russians,5 millions germans and its allies,and ~1milliom USSR allies. So the number of people may be greater then now.
9th may will be cool parad at red square in moscow,i will watch it with all russians )
Unfortunally nazi idea have not been stoped and destroyed at all

. And now main winners of Second World War have a lot of nazi ideas-Russians hate Uzbekistanians, Tajikistanians that have commed to russia and their number is almost 20millions(where are just 140millions in Russia-it is too much and they are now dangerous for russians .
Never do not repeat it again!!