
Unreal Mod
5 replies

alright part of his idea was island portal
sent b3d to pinaz 2-3 hours ago
cant get save menu or just a custom menu to open
on use or target inrange
to make big island in editor just raise terrain border till even with sea surface then lower terrain with any tool or new tool
Q-how to raise island border in-game what is script code nothing mentioned in editor of site that i can find because first step in update because not very many want to start over to include a mod!
Like me but its not hard to get started unless in your working with a custom map thats insane anyway------i'll try my luck on animating the portal think i may have to make it a unit instead of object to include some features or storyline ideas
please comments on this are going to be very helpful
can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong here?
if (inarea "unit", 1) {
addstate "unit", 1, "16";
addstate "unit", 1, "17";
addstate "object", 3321, "5";
if (getstatevalue "unit", 1, "11") {
freestate "unit", 1, "16";
EDIT: Nevermind. I found a work around.
edited 2×, last 29.11.11 05:24:15 pm