Do you like the new rating system?
The only think that i like is that u cannot into downvoting!
just my 2 c Admin/mod comment
Jup, trashed like another topic, because there is one already.
theguine has written
The only think that i like is that u cannot into downvoting!
That's the point. No down-voting, no revenge rating assholes, no spam in DC's in-box. This will be trashed like mine topic.
Well all in all new rating system sucks bad. I agree with new system, becouse no retarded revenge raters
Infinite Rain has written
I agree with new system, becouse no retarded revenge raters
Like crazybooy, which rated ur script 2.
that is like "facebook" Quote
Factis699 has written:
I agree with new system, becouse no retarded revenge raters
Jela331: has written
Like crazybooy, which rated ur script 2.
Only weak ones likes new system.. I think at the very least, there should be a dislike button as well.