hi evry one
i have a good idea for lua script its very good
but i cant make luas so i need help
if some one who can make luas pls PM me for more INFO
Admin/mod comment
Pointless. Oh noes, infinite loop?
Yeah, though you might have a good idea no one will make it for you. And if they did they would probably give you no credit. Since ideas are barely anything.
If you want, post the idea here and I might help you. I won't steal it since everyone would see that the idea was here first.
while (true==true) {
It isn't possible to use fopen over a network in Lua.
if you want PM me
its good idea Yeah the idea you pm'ed me, it's good but the only key detections are f2,f3,f4, so sorry that won't work. Why you dont post youre idea here? -.-
I think because people might steal his idea. I don't post my ideas unless I have finished the lua...I don't post a thread about it either.
But so we can help faster...
i think 90% if the people which help (if he post it) dont want to pm him for that OK make it with f3,f2,f4 I dont care!
Just pls make it
I only help if you post your idea here!
SilentDash is right! nope i dont want just dont want its okey its okey. you dont have to worry nobody will steal it. in us are many kids who will flame ppl to death if just a little bit is stolen.