ARMY RANKsuper123s User Offline 05.10.11 07:17:31 am FINISHED : edited 5×, last 10.10.11 11:52:14 amAdmin/mod comment "RANK ARMY SCRIPT" attention whore title fixed..
Re: ARMY RANKKel9290 User Offline 05.10.11 09:47:13 am and what now. there many rank scripts edited 1×, last 05.10.11 09:00:30 pm
Re: ARMY RANKApache uwu User Offline 10.10.11 05:18:43 am Still need to be more specific, what are the ranks, what are the images going to be shown. And what is "more".
Re: ARMY RANKDC Admin Offline 10.10.11 11:37:20 am this thread does not make any sense for 2 simple reasons: 5%? you'll probably never finish this script nobody cares that you just started doing this. we only care about the final result. bro tipp: don't even tell people that you started something. it's embarrassing if you don't manage to finish it.
Re: ARMY RANKsuper123s User Offline 10.10.11 11:40:04 am delete topic THIS IS A BIG TRICKS I'M SPAMMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR DON'T BAN MY ACCOUNT HERE JUST KIDDING HERE : edited 1×, last 10.10.11 11:51:40 am