-- HUD Text Script by Unreal Software --
-- 14.03.2011 - www.UnrealSoftware.de --
-- Adds a custom text to the HUD --
if sample==nil then sample={} end
-- SECOND --
function sample.hudtxt.second()
parse('hudtxt 0 "name: "..player(p,"name") 100 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 1 "usgn: "..player(p,"usgn") 120 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 2 "ID: "..player(p,"id") 140 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 3 "Ping: "..player(p,"ping") 160 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 4 "Health: "..player(p,"health") 180 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 5 "Armor: "..player(p,"armor") 200 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 6 "Kills: "..player(p,"score") 220 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 7 "Deaths: "..player(p,"deaths") 240 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 8 "WeaponID: "..player(p,"weaponid") 260 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 9 "HighSpeed: "..player(p,"speedmod") 280 240 1')
parse('hudtxt 10 "Team: "..player(p,"team") 300 240 1')