Clan Leader:
Total Members:
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting:
Clan Name: Red Fusion
Clan Leader: Crazy killer
Total Members: 1
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes and all way
Table of Contents:
Registered Clans:
1. |KiNg| / |K| / {KiNg}
2. 2dbr | 2D Brazil
3. [TGV] / Twisted Golden Veins
4. [-=A41=-] / All For One
5. [S|I|C] / S|I|C=EP
6. [DBD] Death Before Dishonor
7. Arctic Squad
8. U.S. Gamers
9. -ES- / Elite Snipers
10. [LCS2D] / Legendary Counter-Strike 2D
11. 2D[P] / 2D Pwners
12. ||F.C.G||
13. Chile / cL.Gaming
14. ||ACID|| Clan
15. [FSS] / First Strike Squad
16. The Lunatics
17. RedStarClan
18. =[DoD]= / Dragon of Death
19. Hells Diner
20. Storm
21. |TSC| / Counter Strike Terrorist
22. SpeedCore.[-UzZ-]# / SpeedCore.[-Unia zamaskowanych Ziomali-]#
23. |SLD| / Soeldner
24. {PSI}
25. |>FDF<| / Fitness Dog Fighting
26. KtA / Kill Them All
27. SC | / Silent Commandos
28. *S3* / Special 3dition
29. [UsK] / Universal super Killers
30. [D.�.P�] / DreamTeamPlayers
31. sH | / Soul Hunters
32. |hs|. / hunters squad
33. *Dark_Army* / Dark Army
34. tik-gaming / The incredible KillaZ
35. [BlackSun] / Blacksun
36. sCore | / Speed Core
37. |BTC| / Blood Team Clan
38. [SUP]
39. Red Planet / .|rP|
40. CS-United / |cs-United.|
41. Global Multi Gaming / *GmG |
42. Bullets 4 You / [b4u.|
43. |N|*|D|*|K|
44. [EliteBR] / Elite Brazil
45. [SaD] / Smile and Die
46. e-Life .Eletronic Life 2D Team
47. Clan of the Queens / |<CotQ>|
48. Tigger Happy / *|TH|*
49. [GX] GrEEn X ClaN
50. SKrR l #. ~ Shoot.Kill.Rinse.Repeat
51. -=\AoV/=- / Angels of Victory
52. gobr | Go Brazil
53. ]<|>BLOD<|> / Black Legion of Doom
54. [DSX] - DeZTroYerZerK Silver Xire
55. PS / Pirates or NBK / Natural Born Killers
56. [BHS] | Boom HeadShoT
57. [Sw@T]
58. TSq� / Terror Squad
59. kG| / kneegrow
60. Psycho Tribe
61. [DiamondsFanClub] / [DFC]
62. .:.PB.:.
63. kill death ratio /-=KDR=-
64. [Fl@me] Clan
65. |Kc| ~ Kill Control
66. ||S.A|| / Still Alive
67. IwM
68. NiB / Noobs in Bikini
69. |*cBn*| / Carbon
70. @@(TNT)@@
71. [GoL] Gods of Legends
72. |BB|
73. Clan of Zombie / [CoZ]
74. <Died>
75. [blitz]
76. |AK| / Anger Killers
77. nwC | New World Chaos
78. |CI| / Clan Iq
79. Survival-Hunting
80. l|ScM|l ~ Sin City Mafia
81. ||HoD|| / Hearts of Dozen
82. Death on Arrival / [DoA]
83. |ReLaTiVe|
84. .:Wu|| - .:Wu Tang Clan:.
85. wF || war Fighter
86. |Hk|
87. [U*F] Unknown Force
88. [Massive] Clan
89. Bemine
90. SnipeRangerGang / {SRG}
91. 2Dph|#
92. puRe-Gaming
93. uL.| / UnL!mited
94. 007// 00//Agents
95. .: |KoF| :. / KiLLeRs oF FoRtUnE
96. The FightingGodz or {FG}
97. toXic | Gaming Clan
98. [Warpeeps] / Warpeeps
99. dopam1ne | Multi Gaming Clan
100. EuropeGamerz
101. ®a!n*| of FuRy ClAn
102. |PwN3||
103. ZombiMod
104. [WT]Withe-Tigers[WT]
105. ACE
106. Divrebz / Divine Rebirthz
107. Elite x3
108. !nZaN3 |
109. [ZeoN]//
110. -[InF]- / Infinity
111. [s.t.a.r.s] / Team Stars
112. [CM] Guild
113. | CS-ProGamer |
114. |E.W.K| = Elite White Knights
115. #ThE aTTaX
116. f5| Gaming
117. Systematical KillerZ / [-sK-]
118. [Thrill]
119. AlbanianForces CS2D Clan
120. [MnKz] / Team MoNkEyZ
121. .:HB:.
122. S\w/F / Supersticious war Figures
123. *Elit3 Fors3s*
124. OuTLaWZ
125. C4-FR
126. [LaG]
127. uClan.uC | (rank),(name)
128. quick$!Lv3r / q$!Lv3r
129. DééJaY ||
130. *3c | *3lectric
131. PzN CS2D club
132. Z.K United / Z.K-
133. gtSquad / l[gt]l / Green Team Squad
134. Half-Life 2D / ->HLS Team<-
135. GermanRebels / [GR]
136. Al-Gore
137. Distress Clan / [DC]
138. LiTe | (rank).(name)
139. /-T.K.B-/
140. KaTa ||
142. Left 4 Dead Clan / -L4D-
143. Snatch - Clan
144. No Mercy / [.:NM:.]
145. [RoV] - Return of Violence
146. Pacman
147. cnuct
148. AnyClan (-aC-)
149. XtreemGodsGamerClan
150. [PD] | Polish-Destroyers
151. Jamesbondclan : {-JBC-}
152. Art of Murders clan
153. Xtreem Pro Players Clan
154. PwN2D
155. EmpeRia
156. ( =CS= ) Clan
157. HG | Holy Guns
158. <juice>
159. Pwned Your Ass
160. aiR
161. X-Force
162. eG. | eQuable Gaming Clan
163. NMB ( No man behind)
164. SiN
165. TXN
166. LeGaL [LeGaL]
167. -911- Clan
168. Romanian Strengh! - RS!
169. {No|Limit}
170. Man Of Marine
171. [Behind Jail]
172. Master Chief vectors
173. ØmG
174. (duel4you)
175. No AiMiNg [ No AiM + ]
176. [~R.~L.~G.~] / RealLife Gamers
177. |AoD| / Angels of Death
Clans in the Queue:
Note: Ordered only by date of being added to thread.
Clan Name: |KiNg| / |K| / {KiNg}
Clan Leader: PhaTz
Total Members: 16, few are active.
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: One of CS2D's oldest clans.
Clan Name: 2dbr | 2D Brazil
Clan Leader: MRCSTYLE -ppL-
Total Members: 5
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: One of CS2D's oldest clans.
Country of Origin: Brazil
Clan Name: [TGV] / Twisted Golden Veins
Clan Leader: Ajsec5000
Total Members: 30
Clan Website: (Down for a bit); GFX Ezine -
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes; 10 on the waiting list.
Country of Origin: North America (with players around the globe.)
Other Information: We are now Open for Recruiting. If you would like to join an honest clan with a deep history, one of the longest living clans in North America still in operation (2nd only to |K|). And if you are looking for a friendly atmosphere with leaders who are both well known and respected in the CS2D Community. Why not brandish your talent in [TGV]?
Further more, we provide the sole source of highspeed and high performance CS2D Dedicated Servers in North America with another anticipated server location to be operational for Full US Coverage.
Not interested in highspeed gaming only? Not to worry, even under such a dark time, we the members of the clan pledges to continue support and better the CS2D Community. Projects that we have developed / endorsed includes customized statistic generation, high level gameplay recording, growing repository of maps, on the fly map previews, disassembling the original Dedi Server created by 3rr0r, and much much more.
If you're interested in our clan, please visit for more information. One of CS2D's Oldest Clans.
Clan Name: [-=A41=-] / All For One
Clan Leader: ecstacy
Total Members: 9
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive
Clan Name: [S|I|C] / S|I|C=EP
Clan Leader: PoRn / Nihilist
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: (Offline)
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive, one of CS2D's oldest clans. Current leader can provide more accurate info.
Clan Name: [DBD] Death Before Dishonor
Clan Leader: Habbib2nv
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive; Temporary forum on |KiNg| website. Current leader can provide more accurate info.
Clan Name: Arctic Squad
Clan Leader: zxC (?)
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: Unknown
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive; Current leader can provide more accurate info.
Clan Name: U.S. Gamers
Clan Leader: Spadez
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: Unknown
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive; Current leader can provide more accurate info.
Clan Name: -ES- / Elite Snipers
Clan Leader: -ES-JJuknow-Leader-
Total Members: Unknown
Clan Website: Unknown
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive; Current leader can provide more accurate info.
Clan Name: [LCS2D] / Legendary Counter-Strike 2D
Clan Leader: CoolRun, Camper
Total Members: 43
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive; one of CS2D's oldest clans.
Clan Name: 2D[P] / 2D Pwners
Clan Leader: No official leader
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: (Dead)
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes
Other Information: Minimum age is 12.
Clan Name: ||F.C.G||
Clan Leader: LA$T
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: (Offline)
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: Inactive; Current leader can provide more accurate info.
Clan Name: Chile / cL.Gaming
Clan Leader: foRRest
Total Members: 3
Clan Website: (Offline)
Recruiting or not Recruitng: No
Other Information: Now active.
Clan Name: ||ACID|| Clan
Clan Leader: Cameleon; VL: Rag3
Total Members: 4
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Country of Origin: Poland
Other Information: Inactive; one of CS2D's oldest clans.
edited 1×, last 28.03.11 12:12:56 am