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Wut the text in this sound ?
Wut the text in this sound ?
8 repliesNem User
Hi all. i dont post about this in german area cuz i dont know german :d but i hope some german's know english
I extract sound from SS Soldier from Doom 2, i like this sound, but i dont know what this sound mean xd
May anyone please say whut in this sound & translate it to english please ? (Its like the "sustaple" or "snih shtople" for me, but its wrong :/)
link to sound
Thanks! lol, I'm german and I can't understand what he's talking.
Are you sure about this being german? Nem User
I think yes, this sound from SS soldier from Doom 2, this soldier was taken from wolfenstain 3d. i dont have any idea what the language it, i think german
he say
"susavo" or anything like that
But i think he say..
"zu savo"
that means "to savo"
but who is savo
Nem User
1 guy sayd he saying "Schutzstaffel", do this right ? that could be. But if it's german, then it's very bad german
Nem User
thats strange, imho. may u translate it to english please ? Wikipedia says "Protective Echelon". This was a german unit in the nazi time to protect Hitler and the Third Reich Nem User
Oh, thanks, u right i think, this a SS guy sound, so i think its a "Protective Echelon"