Yo, TheZenon here.
i was looking at my gamecloset today, and i felt proud. you know why? i have over 186 games. (PC) Xbox360+Xbox+Wii+GameboyAdvance+PSP+NintDS+Oldschoolgames not included.
Can you beat my amount?
Also i'd like to know the amount of the Admins and moderators. just interested, nothing special
. Omg, I would need to tidy up my room and put all games into one corner to count them. Should be MANY, but I don't really want to count
only one number I remember. When I was ~10 I had about 30 games, and now I'm 17.
Lol! Don't ask. - I had to sell some games.
Now, I guess that I got like 10 games or such. MiroslavR told me that SWAT 4 was a good game so I bought it, but then I realised my computer is too slow for that game so I used lowest settings and stuff, still running slow (so I uninstalled it)... but I can tell that the game had some realism. I save only the best games that I like the most, lol. let me see my collection
in rpg ummm
go to the thread need a good rpg because i cant post the names here( they are too many)
And final fantasy every version for PC (even the fan games)
and the misc stuff which dont have quite large editions like hitman,resident evil,elder scrolls etc
I have all the elder scrolls and its expansions
well i had a crappy pc when i was 10
which could barely run Cs2D so the game are not counted here
when i got 13 i found some real good game
and till i was 14 i had quite nice collection of above 50 games
and now look at me
I am 17 too
(I am still not counting the consoles Only PC)
If you guys cant think of the games i have now
then the estimated amount will be between 300 to 400
excluding freewares well, cause i have some free time during my work, and enough money i have lot of games.
Joint Task Force
Act of War
Myst 3, 4 and 5
Stalker Clear Sky
Call of Duty 4 and 5
Eurofighter Typhoon
Real War
Battlestation Pacific and Midway
Sims 2 and 3
Oblivion 4 + addons
Lego Star Wars The complete Saga
Red Faction Gurellia
Swat 4
Command & Conquer The last 10 Years
Half Life 1 + 2 + addons
Gmod newest version
Lara Croft (dont know what)
Far Cry 1 + 2 (FarCry 2 not the second game)
well and lot more (i think i have six times more games, but i cant remeber all). i think the older game are better than some of the newer. It doesnt matter how many you have if you dont like and play any of them.
I have all my games in my external harddisk in iso format so its much easier to install instead of finding dvds and cds
I currently have these
Combat Arms
Command and Conquer: The First Decade
Crysis Warhead
Halflife, CS 1.5 and other mods.
The Orange Box (Portal, HL 2..)
Heroes of Might and Magic 5
NFS Undercover
osu! (a rhythm game)
The Sims 3
World of Warcraft (i just installed as trial)
Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
installed in my pc. Quote
I have all my games in my external harddisk in iso format
i think this is illegal cuz you can burn the games 2 some cd's and give it to your friends..
Sry for my bad english
Well, my games collection:
Assassins Creed
Armed Assault
ArmA 2
Far Cry 1
Far Cry 2
Sims 1 (+ all addons)
Sims 2 (+open for business)
Sims 3
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 2
Die Gilde (engl: The Guild) (+ addon)
Die Gilde 2 (engl: The Guild 2)
Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Storis (PS2)
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories (PS2)
Grand Theft Auto IV
The Elder Scrolls Oblivion
Fallout 3
Half Life 2
Half Life 2 Ep 1
Hal Life 2 Ep 2
Counter Strike Source
Team Fortress 2
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Airstrike 3D
Cossacks Bach to War
Desert Fury
1193 Anno Domini
Sim City 3000
Patrizier 2 Gold
Turok 2008
Combat Flight Simulator 2
Jagged Alliance 2 (+Wildfire Addon)
Worms World Party
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Clonk Rage
Garry's Mod
Metal Gear Solid 3 (Ps 2)
and some Games from Computer Bild Spiele (A German gaming magazine). i also used to have classic like Seven kingdoms. still, i only gamed for 10 years till now. i started when i was four haha. ok here it goes:
Age of Empires 2+ Expansion
Age of Empires 3
Age of Mythology
Counter Strike 1.6, Source and condition zero
C&c Generals and zero hour
C&C Red Alert 1, 2 and 3
Call of Duty 1, 4 and 5
Empire Earth 1+ Expansion
Gears of War
Half life 1 and all expansions
Half life 2 and all episodes
LOTR Battle for middle earth 2
Sims 1, al expansion
sims 2
sims 3
simcity 4 and rush hour
Rise of nations and expansions
sid meirs railroads
need for speed porsche 2000
supreme commander
warhammer 40k dawn of war, with winter assault and DC
Zoo Tycoon
Team Fortress 2
Garrys Mod
Team Fortress Classic
Dark Messiah
Lego Star Wars
Rainbow Six
Civ 3, and expansions
Galactic Civ and expansions
Battle field 2 and special forces expansion
Battle field 2142
The Movies
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
Medal of honour allied assault
Medal of honour breakthrough
Medal of honour spearhead
Casino Inc
Neighbours from Hell
Medieval 2 Total war and Kingdoms expansion
Simpsons Hit and Run
Company of Heroes
Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne (personal favourite)
Operation Flashpoint
World in Conflict
Cossacks Euopean Wars
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
Max Payne 2
Black and White Two
Stronghold Crusader
Trackmania Nations
Unreal Tournament 2003
Star Wars KotOR 2
and a load of free games and countless demos
i wont write any more because now my hand is tired is "Dark messiah" "Dark messiah of Might and Magic"?
and your collection is pretty actual, are you a kid? or did you threw away older games? don't do that. most games are worth a fortune now. i still want to buy seven kingdoms
Admin/mod comment
Please don't quote that long passages. Quote deleted. /TheKilledDeath i got 25 games i dont wanna see the name of the game lol. (too bad)
Assassins Creed
Zoo Tycoon 2
Zoo Tycoon 2 ( All expansion, i cant remember lol! )
Far Cry 1
Far Cry 2
Sims 2 (all esxpansion)
Sims 3
Battlefield 2
Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Storis (PS2)
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories (PS2)
Grand Theft Auto IV
Fallout 3
Half Life 2
Counter Strike
Team Fortress 2
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (Soaked Expansion)
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (Wild Expansion)
Sim City Societies
Sim City 4
Sim City Rush Hour
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Tom Clancy's HAWX
Garrys Mod edited 2×, last 07.08.09 08:06:31 am
Zoo Tycon is old =D
my list:
Age of empires 1 + expansion
Age of empires 2 + exoansion
Titan Quest + expansion
Diablo 1
Warcraft 3 + expansion
WoW + both expansions
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Unreal 1
Unreal 2
Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament 3
Counter-Strike: Source
Garrys Mod 10
HL2 dm
Penumbra 1 - 3
Stranded 2 ( =P )
Max Payne 2
Rayman 1
Rayman 2
Rayman 3
Sims 2
Black and White 2
Crazy Machines
GTA Vice City TheZenon has written
is "Dark messiah" "Dark messiah of Might and Magic"?
and your collection is pretty actual, are you a kid? or did you threw away older games? don't do that. most games are worth a fortune now. i still want to buy seven kingdoms

1. yes it is might and magic
2. well i'm 14, so no, i wouldn't say i was a kid
3. i don't throw away games Nice list's
FireDragon has written
I Love Bioshock!
It makes much fun..
I want buy it for the PSP
I love Hitman and GTA Series. Oldest game I've ever had is MGS 1, on PSone. These games have needed a shitload of money (and space!) , but I bought like a 3/4 of them as old, from eBay, etc.
Hitman 1: Codename 47
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Hitman 3: Contracts
Hitman 4: Blood Money
Metal Gear Solid 4
GTA 2 (
GTA San Andreas
GTA: Vice City Stories (PSP) + Liberty City Stories (PSP)
Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike: Source (Better)
Half Life 1
Half Life 2 + Episodes 1 and 2
Counter Strike 2D
Stranded 2
OpenLieroX (Latest)
Age of Empires 1 Demo!!
Age of Empires 2
Age of Empires 3
Total Overdose
Max Payne 1 and 2
Left 4 Dead
Tekken 1 (PSone), 2, 3, 4, 5
The Sims 1 ( CLASSIC!!
The Sims 2
The Sims 3 I've probably got around 500 games/cds for windows. lol. i have got like
Orange Box
Sims 2
at least on CD/DVD