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Is DC banning unfair? Yes or no
14 replies

Is DC banning unfair? Yes or no? Look at one thread of Cs2D!
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes | 17.31% (9) | |
No | 82.69% (43) |
52 votes cast
Dont delete this poll lets see what people think about you.
The way you're writing tells me, that you don't have respect for DC. He made these games, he made the website, he made ALL, it doesn't even cost anything and you're just flaming him.
That's not fair. You should just THANK him for all he did.
Haris8 has written:
man dc your unfair, banning people for NOthing..
Is that fair that he banned him for this? i dont think so...
DC=dont face the facts that hes unfair selfish noob
I thought DC is some great guy but now i see hes UNFAIR SLEFISH BASTARD!
Actually its wrong of him to ban all of the other ppl
And its also wrong of him to say other ppl Idiot
or crazy But lets face it his banning was not tottally unfair
or tottally fair
well i saw some of the bbecic`s post and they were all rude DC did right banning him but it was not good enough
to stop him from posting
DC has a fault too and that is whats the problem in being called a noob its a common phrase when playing CS2D
edited 1×, last 28.06.09 02:19:46 pm
Especially the spam rules and flame rules are quite frankly (as far as I can see) "rubber rules" because it is not defined what is spam and what is flame.
In the German version in the Wiki we have some kind of netiquette which explains these unwritten (now written :D) rules to newbies:

The last rule is what troubles many people here and is really the only thing that will get you banned really quick (violation of the other rules was never that terrible). You start calling each other noobs all the time, and then the others use other harsher insults, and this is not desirable here.
You can tell your criticism in a nice manner and it won't get deleted. If you want to flame away open another board which the flamers can use and you will see really quick why there are such "no flaming" rules here.
I don't understand why is "noob" consindered a flame, because it means newb, newbie which means Novice. It is not a bad word. But to conclude, those guys really deserved their ban and DC can count on my support.

@CS2D Fan: Watch your words, because you are risking a ban too
No admin is accepting personal attacks, all of u would react nearly the same way.
Having two accounts is strictly forbidden so there is no excuse and no overreaction on the part of DC.
Furthermore DC even didnt insulted bbecic, he just called his idea idiotic with good reason. The other guy was massive attacking and flaming DC and threaten another user.
What i dont understand is why "the following ones" call this unfair?
They run on the same Internet connection. But I will not be banned, right?
My bans are 100% justified. The results of this vote do confirm that.
@Madara: No I don't ban just because of the same IP. There have to be other clues + I ask in most cases.
btw: "Cs2D fan" has been banned as well. Not because of this thread but because of the fact that he just registered to create this thread shortly after the other guy has been banned + massive flame (censored post). Chances are like 99% that he is the same guy. More than one account is strictly forbidden.
edited 1×, last 28.06.09 03:45:45 pm