
R.I.P. Michael Jackson! :(
38 replies


But if I see one more little teenager crying and acting like an idiot over his death... I'll just have to hang myself.

If it was... say... Ozzy or Clint Eastwood that died. Then I'd feel sad. It's not too much longer before Clint goes though...

I don't know Farrah Fawcett either, but I'm sure I'd miss her more than him. She had a worse death anyway.
Bloodshot has written
I almost completely agree with zellon, I don't really know the man...

Just kidding with you

bunnyhop has written
from black to white. he was already dead (but he can walk and talk) but now he is dead
I don't have any respect for the type of plastic surgery he had. The vanity type. He should have stayed black too.
It is pretty neat that the USA is the only place a poor black boy and grow up to be a rich white woman


I actually like Michael Jackson, but only in the way that he gave all of us a person to point and laugh at. It's kind of like when Bush left office.

horus has written
He had Vitiligo... that's why he's whiter than most people... xP
I actually like Michael Jackson, but only in the way that he gave all of us a person to point and laugh at. It's kind of like when Bush left office.
I actually like Michael Jackson, but only in the way that he gave all of us a person to point and laugh at. It's kind of like when Bush left office.

No he didn't. It's just a cover up.
This is Vitilgo. Vitiligo 1
This is also Vitiligo. Vitiligo 2
Notice how it's splotchy? MJ is seamless white. No spots at all. Unless someone proves to me otherwise, he made himself that way.
EDIT: By the way. I don't like it when people call someone stupid because they stutter. Not saying you are, but it reminds me of it and most people who don't like Bush think he's stupid because he stutters. It's insulting and uncalled for.

EDIT AGAIN: I'm sorry if that seems like I'm atacking you or something... I'm really not. I just hate all I've heard of Bush and "his failure at the English language".
I don't think he was as bad as everyone made him out to be anyway. I wish he still was in office actually... the new guy leaves a little to be desired...

edited 2×, last 27.06.09 01:20:14 am
Few people, outside medical professionals and those with the disease, had heard the term "vitiligo" until Michael Jackson revealed in the early 1990s that the disorder was behind his skin turning brown to white.

horus has written

Few people, outside medical professionals and those with the disease, had heard the term "vitiligo" until Michael Jackson revealed in the early 1990s that the disorder was behind his skin turning brown to white.

mhmm... and?

and just remember what he id to those kids...from nice little pop star kid to freak monster