Its actually a really fun game ive been playing for a few hours and its really addictive has a full story and everything! but sadly no multiplayer...... But its an awesomely fun game.... So anyway has anyone ever tried it before?

ever tried this game?
17 replies

Its actually a really fun game ive been playing for a few hours and its really addictive has a full story and everything! but sadly no multiplayer...... But its an awesomely fun game.... So anyway has anyone ever tried it before?

syntaku has written
Have any of you tried the game- Survival crisis Z.
Its actually a really fun game ive been playing for a few hours and its really addictive has a full story and everything! but sadly no multiplayer...... But its an awesomely fun game.... So anyway has anyone ever tried it before?
Its actually a really fun game ive been playing for a few hours and its really addictive has a full story and everything! but sadly no multiplayer...... But its an awesomely fun game.... So anyway has anyone ever tried it before?

Survival... that name's familiar to me... now "Crisis Z"... hmmm... nothing..
As Mod-_er_- said, share the URL (link).

seriously, what can we do without it?

go there and click survival crisis z near the bottom
I don't want to download this...
I'm too lazy for that.

edited 1×, last 03.06.09 12:14:58 am
Are there any cheats

Mirror 1
*Mirror 2* (not functional, removed)
Going to try...
@ Vibhor: Simply Google it, because if some person is going to say to you cheat codes, it's because that person Google'd, so it's the same...

I've played it... it's creepy....

if anybody have unlocked cheats.exe in the aracade mode then please post it here plz plz plz
and by the way you should not get out in night because
it gets dark(and scary) and there are hordes of zombie out there (just about 70 to 90) you should stay in a neutral base when its night
and begginers should start with a docter coz he heals himself overtime(cool docter)
always when robbing a base wear a ski mask and when done remove it (robbing requires car battery and duct tape and the other job is up to)
Vibhor has written
Yo man i have googled it for over 30 times
if anybody have unlocked cheats.exe in the aracade mode then please post it here plz plz plz
if anybody have unlocked cheats.exe in the aracade mode then please post it here plz plz plz

I just Google'd "Survival Crisis Z cheats" and found it 1 second later!
Click *HERE*.

oh yeah really i have tried it and the link do not work it just opens the file front home page
Plz could you upload it to mediafire (coz its free)
Have any body played the other games of sksoftware
Zombie smasher x is cool
But the second part is demo you have buy it(already done)
If anybody wants to play it go buy it
(but if anybody wants a freebie then PM me)
Mumu has written
You Guys shold try Alien Hunter (and Zombie Hunter) .... : )
That is off topic.
BTW: great game! And just find another website that hosts the cheats yo! its not that hard!
And the more money and power you have the more powerful the zombies get
Because no NOOB encounter a banshee,the haunted doll or blasting zombies