
Server Abuse!...?
8 replies

Thats the thing! he was the one doing so!
In other words there is no such thing as server abuse?...
Ther server admins can f*ck up the game as they wish?
however this is true in general. they can do what they want. it's their server and they probably pay for it. so why shouldn't they do what they want. of course everything has limits. like law or the conditions of the server provider.
Shadow`s Server
Ok now we all like Prison games right? Right! This kiddo was giving the rcon to all the people on the terrorist side and using the equip command to equip super armor, lasers, shit like that. It gets really annoying! he ruins the game while about 10 other people are trying to play it!
TheKilledDeath has written
so, just go to another server. if admin makes shit, just leave the server. easiest way
Totally agreed.
You can go always to « Xtreem » clan servers because we don't make this shits...
Altought ignore these people.