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HTML forum
HTML forum
6 replies hey guys, i was wondering if anyone has got a guide on how to create a forum with the HTML Language this is not possible. you can only create one with other scripting languages like PHP ( the easiest i think ) And you have to know about SQL and aswell... no, you COULD make a forum without sql, just with writing in files, would be very slow and unsecure, but would work
Oh my, there is a database without a server? forgot the name of it, but screw that.
It could be done in HTML/Javascript probaly, but anybody would be able to rape your security..
PHP/MySQL or another DB is where your heading
even if there is another db you couldn't do it without php. In HTML you can't write in files or db's and you also cannot read from them there are a lot of php systems like yoomla or e107.
these have everithing you need.
you dont need to edit too many things, coz theres an admin interface where you can control things(so you dont even need to have a html editor).