
> > CS2D > Lua Scripts > [EngiN33R] Space RPG Mod [RC 2]
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English [EngiN33R] Space RPG Mod [RC 2] >

155 comments1.30 mb, 2,440 Downloads

old [EngiN33R] Space RPG Mod [RC 2]

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Hello everyone!

The so long awaited Space RPG mod is finally released!

The mod is a complete overhaul of the game, moving the field of action into the vastness of the universe. You have access to various space vessels and armament for them, which will help you prevail on the field of battle. It also features a trading system as a way of gaining funds for upgrades.

This is however not the final version of the mod. This is merely the first release candidate, and there is a lot of things to fix still, and I tell you - they will be fixed. A couple of modules is disabled completely due to their bugginess - enable and use them at your own risk.

• Explore! Fly in the big maps and explore the universe!
• Fight! Different weapons available for purchase and installment help you to be supreme on the battle field!
• Trade! If you're not the violent type - buy commodities for less, sell them for more and make profit!
• Interact! An online world guarantees prolonged entertainment and action!
• Configure! You can change the script in whatever way you like and add any kind of in-game items easily!

Any questions and suggestions to this mod, be they concerning the gameplay or development (code), can go into the comments to this file or in PM.

For devs:
More >

21st of January, 2012: Update - uploaded the current server revision.
30th of January, 2012: Fix - put in the missing tiles.

More >

Official server:

Thanks, best wishes,
edited 11×, last 24.05.12 08:41:04 am
Approved by Starkkz

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1.30 mb, 2,440 Downloads


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@user GeoB99: Thanks for the help! I got it to work :).
I just did what you said and put the mp_luaserver on ON!
I like it!


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@user johnmarc: Some informative details would help. Have you extracted each file properly? Check the Console (~ conkey) and search for any Lua error related highlighted in red colour and labeled as "LUA ERROR:".

If nothing pops out in the Console then it sounds like the mod isn't launched. To do so, open server.lua file and paste this line:


As soon as you save the changes, it'll take effect.

old I have no idea how to run it

User Off Offline

I could apprieciate some help running it. This looks like really cool!. Ive tried everything and sadly.. nothing works
I like it!

old Just a Script idea!

User Off Offline

Like you can do better.(below my comment)
Or your just a troll trying to get some attention.
I would like to give you a flame shell.

(back to original comment)
Jeewee this is a great Script!
I hope you can try to make a script like defending a house where you have to kill the robots (or zombies,your choice).
There are about 9 Zombies/Robots on the first wave and it doubles the zombies/robots each round.Also,When a wave is finished,you get a load of money and you can go to the house you protect (The House is the upgrade station) to buy better guns and health.
there is a bomb near the zombies/robots spawn point and they can pick it up and they will walk / run to your Upgrade Station and it will take a several secs to activate the bomb and when the bomb explodes its game over.Its just like MVM in TF2.If you want anymore Info to have more ideas on the script,just PM me and I'll tell ya.

(NOTE:This script doesn't really have to be made,its your choice if you like the idea and want to create it or not.I just only gave a script idea.)

Also,this is my favorite script of all of them,Even though its old xD.
Sorry if this comment is too long!
I like it!


BANNED Off Offline

bad its very bad and boring


Deleted User

Great job with this
I like it!
edited 1×, last 17.09.20 05:14:31 am



Nice Game
I like it!


Deleted User

This is amazing, props to EngiN33R for developing this within the constraints of CS2D
I like it!
edited 1×, last 17.09.20 05:15:25 am


User Off Offline

why this is not updated
I like it!

old doesn't work

User Off Offline

so i go to play this game and it doesnt work
i walk out of a base and i dont get in my ship
there are no hyperlinks
i cant trade or do anything
pls help


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@user WiFi: Your very noob because cant use this

I agree with user EXOSuit:
I like it!

old Help

User Off Offline

How to use the lua?This does't have server lua
I like it!

old Fuel

User Off Offline

I think make more Immersive
edited 2×, last 28.05.14 12:00:07 pm


User Off Offline

Holy Shit! It's RPG Space. Seems likes StarWars mission.
I like it!

old Does this...

User Off Offline

...Have a Admin script?No?Aw,dammit.

Anyway,i knew how to play the lua file for this,but now i don't,i didn't play it that much,help?
I like it!
edited 1×, last 14.05.14 06:06:12 pm

old but

User Off Offline

@EngiN33R - I am using srpg_pandemia_star_system map. so lol, EDIT: ah thanks a lot - i fixed it now, woohoo THX
I like it!


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@user ZaibatsuTEAM: You need to run the mod with a compatible map. The map included in the archive has a Lua script that is responsible for the universe definition - zones, bases, factions. It is advised you run the mod with that map (srpg_pandemia_star_system), but you can look at the config file and make your own if you want.
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