The base has been temporary modified as a training base for the elite S.T.A.R 103rd Special Force, unfortunately those men are forced to train on a extreme condition.
This is my first map which I made it seriously and it's not beautiful as I was expected but I am statisfied with what I've made..
I'm too lazy to write a good description and I'm not expecting to have 5/5 rating because I just wanted to see if my old skil(mapping) is still there or not.
1. Watch out for mines!
2.Hidden weapons!
3.Dont look at the map editor for the 2nd tip!
Time Taken:
3 hours 12 minutes
You are allowed to:
-Edit it!
-Re-upload it with your edited version! (Must ask for my premission)
-Host it on your server!
-I dont know

You are not allowed to:
-Steal it!
-Say that this is yours!
-Rate 1/5 for no reason!
Enjoy playing on my map fellow CS2D players!

More maps wiill be uploaded soon!
Almost Realistic Map!
CY's aim_snipers:
edited 1×, last 07.06.11 05:12:58 am
Approved by Seekay
3.32 mb, 574 Downloads