Call of duty modern warfare 2d mod based from the real game of CoD MW2D
author: BLACK_J93
version: 1.1 (Beta)
release date: 2010/01/3
===In Script===
9 CoD heros
Every hero has his own (weapons/Hp/armor)
the CoD hero's are :-
Soldier Go Go Go !
normal soldier with (HE,mp5,M4A1,USP)
Russian Soldier For mother russia !
normal soldier too but russina one
Marenz Sur yes Sur !
US top soldier with (tmp,aug,....)
Bomar man BoooooMb!
Boms like you want all on this Guy
RAMBO Take Cover!
speedy guy with machete and M249
Sniper Nap Time !
(Awp and scouter and deagle)
ENGINEER Build the base!
P90 and wrench for build (turret not allowed)
Tank Destroyer Any Tanks !
RPG guy for tanks
Shields Cover has arrive!
nice soldier with shield and m3 and Deagle
===CoD recovery Hp system===
like the real CoD MW2D on PC (real game) we make a recovery Hp system when a player hurt it give him Hp as will with time.
===CoD Hurt msg===
like the real game too when your Hp gose low a msg should warrin you, "You are Hurt,Get Coverd"
===New maps====
oficiall CoD maps
===GPRS on map====
shows you where are you on the map using tiles numbers.
===WelCome msg===
a msg to welcome the player who enter the server and show him the current script put on the server.
a ut.sounds script are on the CoD script too to give you sounds on kill (Frist Blood.Double Kill.........).
open Help.txt to install it courectly .
thanks all who help me with this script very much
===Contact/Find bug===
and there is thread will open for CoD-MW2D for and Questuions .
[i]Have Fun
Approved by GeoB99
551 kb, 2,331 Downloads