My first script is finally done!
well here it is
Beta 0.1

V 1.0

-How To Call?
Simple just say !sd tilex tiley pack

-How To Call?
just say !ts tilex tiley

-How To Call?
just say !br tilex tiley Direction
-direction : 1 = Vertical, 2 = Horizontal
Assault Pack Item List: (Code 1)
Defensive Pack Item List: (Code 2)
Tactical Shield,Armor,Deagle,Bandage,Flashbang")
Heavy Pack Item List: (Code 3)
M134,Super Armor,Deagle,Bandage,Gas Mask
Grenade Pack Item List: (Code 4)
Flashbang,Smoke nade,Gas Nade,Molotov,Air Strike
Medic Pack Item List: (Code 5)
M3,Medic Armor,Deagle,Medikit,Machete
this versions still not complete
Next version will be better with:

sorry i should put videos
Thanks to:
Filbumwinter : Several coordinate error

Devil-Thanh : Coordinate HUD
Put this file into
cs2d dir/sys/lua/
write this on server.lua
edited 3×, last 30.04.12 02:45:38 pm
Approved by CY
3 kb, 423 Downloads