
McDonalds or Burgerking?
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Mc Donalds | 63.16% (60) | |
Burger King | 36.84% (35) |
95 votes cast

It's been so long since I've had Burger King... I don't remember what they taste like.
McDonalds is good, sometimes. Cheap anyways. Their fries suck, usually. My parents say they used to be known for their fries...
GhostFreak has written
in my country we dont have burger king, either mc donalds, but when i got to my neighbors country mc donalds is really expensive, really small burgers...
wheru from?
EDIT: (not)
Silent_Control has written
well maybe your a vegetarian! or your just says it so others would think that your cool! so what its junk food but i like it! its made out of food that we eat all the time and thats BREAD! Meat! ONIONS! CABBAGE! shure it has a lot of spices and other stuff but its eatable! maybe yes some people just cant stop eating! and they have a low metabolism! but its no reson to stop all countrys from making selling this food! it would make a worlwide disissaster that would make a GIGANT RIOT of AMERICAN and ALL other countrys people start looting all left burgers in their country OR in TOWN! Neither! They both sell junk food.

NTD has written
Silent_Control has written
well maybe your a vegetarian! or your just says it so others would think that your cool! so what its junk food but i like it! its made out of food that we eat all the time and thats BREAD! Meat! ONIONS! CABBAGE! shure it has a lot of spices and other stuff but its eatable! maybe yes some people just cant stop eating! and they have a low metabolism! but its no reson to stop all countrys from making selling this food! it would make a worlwide disissaster that would make a GIGANT RIOT of AMERICAN and ALL other countrys people start looting all left burgers in their country OR in TOWN! Neither! They both sell junk food.

Dear NTD, please try and go behind the McDonald's/Burgerking and you will see how it smells there, and try to have a look at where they keep the meat. You will really share my opinion.

Zellon has written
I cannot vote.
It's been so long since I've had Burger King... I don't remember what they taste like.
McDonalds is good, sometimes. Cheap anyways. Their fries suck, usually. My parents say they used to be known for their fries...
It's been so long since I've had Burger King... I don't remember what they taste like.
McDonalds is good, sometimes. Cheap anyways. Their fries suck, usually. My parents say they used to be known for their fries...
known for their fries because they suck....

NTD has written
thats becouse some of the Mcdonalds Rts. are fakes just a cover! and bugerking has more nutrition the Mc.D becouse they have gigantic burgers! it was even documented in discovery sent 2 ment 1 tested burger king other mc donalds! guess what! the 1 that was in BK got wights on 17 Kg! only with 3 days! but in Mc.D only got 7 KG in 5 days of eating only BIG MACKS and drinking MAX COLA! If you dont like it! go to one of em protesters and protest all you want kripple F.
seriously mate, you couldn't be more wrong