Nikky_Boy has written
Whoa, but the sharks/pirhanas were unable to hurt you while riding a raft, in the previous version!
I know for sure, as my frequent strategy was to search for a small island not connected to mainland and about 50% of my playtime included sailing around.
I've not touched sharks\piranha. All I did was add them to medium island generation.
maximusventriu has written
- about the bamboo. bamboo can be used for making weapon like spear. with less power than then the wooden one of couse.
- long wooden handle, the idea of cutting
A TRUNK into
A LONG WOODEN HANDLE is a bit too much. since trunk is a bit hard to get at beginning of the game. giving
5 Long Wooden Handles for
A Trunk would be abit helping.
- the making of spear, adding VINE or CORD as a requirement in making spear is acceptable i think. [used for attaching the stone in the wooden handle.]
- short wooden handle. A trunk for A short wooden handle??

like making a chopstick out of a log
1. I'll think about adding in bamboo spears.
2. Trunk\handle combinations are still a WIP.
3. Possibly.
4. See number #3.
Nikky_Boy has written
Small meat+Fish+Grains+Knife(Returned) = 30 pieces of fish bait (Alternative to insect parts). .
Recipe delivered via Journal entry at, say, 75 fishing skill?
The recipe itself is somewhat accurate, save for grains. I usually mix spoiled meat, corn and fish oil, but I suppose grains will do just fine.
Bamboo+Feather+2xThread+Stick+Pebble+Nail= Advanced fishing Rod that either does not break, or improves fishing chance.
Recipe delivered via journal at say, 150 Fishing skill?
I like the fishing bait combo, I'll add it in for the next version. I don't like the advanced fishing rod so much, but merely because the combination is so clunky. I'll see what I can do about making a new rod + combo.
wingcutangel has written
As far as the whole log discussion I think that a much better solution would be to actually get a fallen tree which you could than chop into logs(carrying logs into my storage is one of the most immersive activities for me ;)) . Plus, I think a single tree can give you much more wood than it currently does.
The issue with that is Stranded 2 has no physics. Any time you spawn a 'fallen tree' model there is no way to tell if it's going to clip through the land like crazy. On the other hand, I have increased the amount of logs trees give, and bigger trees give much more logs.
Nikky_Boy has written
Well, yeah, you are right, cutting trees should produce a fallen tree. The model is in the game, the falling animation is also there... I guess it would be possible to spawn "fallen tree" instead of logs.
Not to mention that every type of tree would spawn the same type of fallen tree. And cutting a wimpy palm tree only to see it spawn a giant fallen oak would be a bit ridiculous.
The only way to turn this into something more realistic it would be, say, every fallen tree spawns 6 logs and 30 branches all scattered around, so you'd have to pick them up.
But I don't know if it is possible to spawn "scattered" objects. I think normal spawning would just put them all in the same pile.
Your average (real) tree would spawn 2 or 3 big logs, 2 or 3 medium logs and a whole lot of branches.
But I agree, most of the time I spend by hauling logs or rocks.
Usually I would use my raft to carry more logs in one go, but the raft is useless in this version.
Back when I was a child, cutting firewood with my grandfather, we used to build a rudimentary sled/sleigh with which we were moving the logs to our horse-drawn cart.
Once again, fallen models aren't impossible, just rather clunky when done. It's a quick change though to make trees spawn the logs scattered over a small distance, I don't see why that wouldn't be hard to do.
I'll see what I can do about fixing the raft (but I didn't change anything about it last time).
There technically is a sled model in MM (thanks to Ominus), but it has the same issue trees do. Massive clipping with the world. I'm trying to fix it through an incredibly hacky script.
Vibhor has written
The fallen tree idea is already in three mods
one is german but not released
two is SOS mod
and three is ultimate survival
And all of the mods have the exact same issue. Massive problems with landscapes that are anything except flat.
maximusventriu has written
UUUgghhh..... now i feel how hard it is to make iron materials, since i have used up all the rain water left on rock. what should i do now...?? sing like a frog to call the rain...???

To make iron? You need a forge. Build it on the empty water rock.
wingcutangel has written
I'm a total noob with Stranded scripting but can't specific tree types give specific number of logs? As for the models, as a 3d artist by trade I would be more than happy to provide needed models and textures.
The sled Idea also sounds great (maybe even an option for different types of sled (a simple one made of palm leaves and vines vs a more sophisticated reusable type)).
I also think that we need more options for obtaining water (what about dew for example?). Plus I think that the player character needs ridiculous amounts of food to survive
Specific trees do give specific numbers of logs.
I'm actually working on new ways to obtain water for the next version.
I'm considering changing how food works in S2.
TwentyThree has written
For everyone who has the same problem as i do, you have to WAIT like 10 seconds before you place any meat on it! Otherwise the grill is screwed for life and you wont be able to place anything on it!
...I have no idea why that would effect the grill's collision at all. But I'll test it ASAP.
EDIT: So I've got a job for anyone who wants to help with suggestions\ideas. I went through MM using Psytechnic's excellent app and compiled a list of items with very few uses.
Suggest uses for these items, the most important items (ie; the one with no uses) are at the bottom.
-Charcoal (blackpowder, fuel, maps, journal notes, markings only)
-Cotton\Wool (thread only)
-Coal (blackpowder, steel, fuel only)
-Bendable branches (bolts, bows, fishing rods only)
-Bark (fire & paper only)
-Bamboo (bolts only)
-Clay (bottle\bucket only)
-Crystals (no use)
-Feathers (arrows only)
-Oil (fuel only)
-Dirt (raising land only)
-Saltpeter (blackpowder only)
-Starch (paper only)
-Poison (no use)
-Claws (no use except claw spear)
-Tooth (no use)
-Flint (fire only)
-Bones (no use) edited 1×, last 10.01.10 03:34:32 am