It is caused by sun.
Sun has been acted more active than 10 years ago. And scientist has been explored that the sun will turn off nearby years and before that it will turn as red as blood is. [/quote]
Omfg, you call 5,5 billion years
You know how far that is? Complex life has been on earth for less than a half billion years
btw, the sound won't turn out, nor will it turn "red as blood" before.
It will grow up to a red giant in about 5 billion years, then stay stable for about 1 or 2 billion years, then blow off its outer hull over several thousand years and then glow out as a white dwarf for a long time (it probably will still glow when most galaxies are so far away that we couldn't see them anymore

JamppaCK has written
You need Windows media player and maybe some plugins.
If the process of enlightning involves the use of Microsoft products I shall rather burn in the fires of hell forever
Dicker has written
JamppaCK has written
You need Windows media player and maybe some plugins.
If the process of enlightning involves the use of Microsoft products I shall rather burn in the fires of hell forever

don't panic, it should work fine with xine or mplayer, too
If there would be a file
can't see a file. No link, nothing.
dunno if you just wanted us to stare on a blue ground something
if not, please link the file directly, coppermine stinks as video hosting software
JTK User
now is time to learn finnis
1. go to website
2.if you find the form where is "Vapaa haku" its meas "search"
2. Write on threre "taivas putoaa" and press enter or button "Hae"
then it should open a page and click the pick which under is text "taivas putoaa"
then you click the pick and video should be opened edited 4×, last 22.01.08 10:19:12 pm
What's wrong with the Microsoft products?
They just don't work always.
HW User
JamppaCK has written
What's wrong with the Microsoft products?

Microsoft is a monopolial company. People actually should oppose something like this by principle, yet they support it.
One of the core problems causing this monopoly is bad quality software being good enough for most people. They simply don't know how good software could be if there was a healthy, competitive software market.
Besides, please don't link to any non-English contents here. Mostly noone here will understand them. yeah.
Why everybody comes here at late night being almost midnight when people is online.
Good night for everybody.
JamppaCK has written
Why everybody comes here at late night being almost midnight when people is online.
Good night for everybody.

that's because we don't have time during the day
Lee Moderator
JamppaCK has written
I think Jesus gave a gift for us. He died for us therefore we would get life on paradise.

And just believing and giving life to Jesus is enough to get paradise.
Can you elaborate on that statement? What you've just said is as I'm processing it the exact same thing that I learned in sunday school. however this dictates that you have to fulfill the following criteria:
You have to be a Christian
Now I'm not going to lie but I seriously don't think that this point makes an impact to people who have other religious views. And as for Christians, it's something that we've already learned a long time ago.
JamppaCK has written
Yes of course there where abnormal weather too some years in 16th century times. But I think that abnormal weather appearance will become more and more regularly.
You make this a point yet makes no attempt at supporting your claim. Your premise in your earlier argument is that irregular weather foretells the end of the world. I've pointed out a few instances of bad and good weather that doesn't fulfill your premise so I concluded that yours was a faulty premise
JamppaCK has written
leegao you will see it on page one.

It's main target isn't Finland it is Norways oil source I think. And also I think that Norway isn't the main target of Russian. Main target would be Israel as almost everycountry has.

... I find this statement self contradictory to some of the points you've made, can you establish the impact of this statement regarding this debate we're having?
JamppaCK has written
News wont be permanent and things could change.

JamppaCK has written
It was on the News.
This is a rebuttle to your own point that you've made earlier.
JamppaCK has written
I try to tell you that Scientists try to avoid Global warming which is unnecessary and stupid becouse it is almost crystal clear that scientist will fail.

As I've said before, the sin of Omission is far greater than the sin of failure. If we do not even attempt to save our own planet in the face of a crisis, then we can not find justification in there anywhere.
Also, as a sidepoint here, can we keep this debate secular, meaning do no bring in any religious justification for your points. First of all these points dictates that everyone debating must be of that religious belief in order to fully debate the justification of an action unequivocally. This however is not possible so just keep religion out of this debate please.
Now to the second argument Jamppack made (I was at school so I didn't get to rebut earlier :P)
JamppaCK has written
Distance of between countries is not a problem. There is many ways to attack at nowadays as we should know. bigsmile Becouse Israel is Gods land. And almost everybody will became hate them just becouse of the Jesus name. sad
Most of the nations in the world are secular. Russia, as you've presented in your argument as the main antagonist, is secular, and this is no incentive to attack Israel. Now I will say the opposite if we are dealing with Iran since they clearly want to quote wipe Israel off of the face of the earth unquote yet there are those who are in support of Israel as well (the US for one)
JamppaCK has written
Becouse maybe the scientist will find the way to stop global warming but it is too tough to keep that way.
Every country can't cut down over half of their production. And also developing counrties can't do full stop of production.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a factory will produce pollutes. Do you think that this will truly be the de facto answer to pollution? I hope not because if it is, then the brilliant minds of millions of people are just wasted. Humans are made to adapt. Lee Moderator
JamppaCK has written
On the news has said if world wide temperature rises over 2 Celcius degrees it is damagafull for all nature and whole earth.
And every factory will vitiate whole atmosphere.
The same scientists who made this claim are the ones attempting to fix it.
JamppaCK has written
""""Like I said, the bible got translated......"""
I think it is better than nothing.
Note: I said propably. I mean I don't know exactly right time of that as we all konw that I am not the God. But I as sure he will know when it starts.
You know, to the muslims, we'd be the one going to hell. Which religion is better? There's no way to assess this. So how do we decide which one speaks the truth? We can't. Since we can't justify this, let's not bring anything religious into this debate. JamppaCK has written
It has been spoken that sun could turn off earlier than after 5,5 billion years.

Would you please give a link to a scientific source saying this?
The Page has written
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_words() in /www/jylppy/include/ on line 44
much thx to JTK for explaining how to still get it.
About the Video:
Looks to me like a plan didn't got deiced properly. Either that or someone is throwing sticks
sry, but that stuff looks very artifical. natural hailstones are balls, not bars