In this thread you guys can tell us what pets/pet do you have /if you have/
I had fishes a long ago,then i had rabbits but they went sick...
Then i had my first parrot named Siniuchko (it means something like a bluey or something like this in english)
The second parrot was girlie and it was named Lora (it lived 10 years but soon died) ...Then i had one more blue parrot called kockie , it is the only one that comed to my sisters hand without flying around and screaming... but on the day of my friends birthday it died
Then i bought a new one again that was lightblue and it's name is Frankie (he is year and half old) annd we bought him mate called Florie
Those were all my pets...
I think it's nice having a pet ^^,and besides my parrot named frankie respond in my voice ^^.
So,what pet's do you guys have? JJ User
I have Dogie, Maus and Sister
My parents ever had a dog, but not anymore because he was a little dangerous lol.
they also called him 'danger' :p Niborius(logged out) has written
they also called him 'danger' :p
I wanted a dog but my parents don't like me to have one
I got a Kangaroo
lol jokes i got a few dogs und Katze Admin/mod comment
Stay with English here or just shut up! /EwokChieftain I'd like to have a lizard
(no joke) i see your a fan of lizards
In my religion it's my uhm, I don't know how to translate it exactly
It's my "partner", the animal that corresponds to me, the animal that gives me power. Do you understand what I mean? i got a few cats. they where soooo cute := but they died allready
Only poof's use the word cute. Flying Lizard has written
In my religion it's my uhm, I don't know how to translate it exactly
It's my "partner", the animal that corresponds to me, the animal that gives me power. Do you understand what I mean?
Sure i can

But i also had ...don't know how to traslate it... Those mouse-types that they get in for home with the long fur (dont know the exactly word) but it died
@skiper: what do you mean by "fishes"? i didn't know that this word even exist
fish? that thngy that is swimming in the water lol 
edited 1×, last 09.12.07 11:13:37 am
Silent_Control has written
@skiper: what do you mean by "fishes"? i didn't know that this word even exist

Was he joking or .... Ohh, I´ve got quite a lot:
2 fishtanks
2 hamsters
3 cats
AAAND, my favourite animals are big cats ( tigers, lions, etc. ), reptiles @D1oMonD: he is not joking, he is right. There are no "fishes", there are only fish
1 fish
10 fish
100 fish i have 2 cats
Guest has written
@D1oMonD: he is not joking, he is right. There are no "fishes", there are only fish
1 fish
10 fish
100 fish
omg im so dumb i just realized thanks "fish" You got the point