im so busted....
Lee Moderator
mrc has written
im so busted....

eh flame all you want here get yourself banned x]
rather carry out this conversation over msn.
~Aj some update..
Clan Name: ACE
Clan Leader: [ACE]Kasius
Total Members: 889 (regular member : 82)
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: yes (if can speak korean)
Other Information: if you come to our clan site, you
can use our chatting room and join our clan (you need accout of naver, naver is korean potal site )
naver website :
make account of naver :
you must click the 4th botton (for foreigner account)
Country of Origin : Republic of Korea (South Korea) Clan name : Divrebz - Known as Divine Rebirthz
Clan leader : Elit3
Clan members : None
Clan website :
Recruiting : Yes at least 10 members
Other informations : Active Well... Recently I have had an extraordinary day.
Anyways, I am Vice Leader of [FSS] also known as First Strike Squad. Here are all the details, and I'm ||0neUp||:
Leader: [FSS] hahavis
Co-Leader: [FSS] ||0neUp||
Members: 2 soon be 3
Clan Wars: Won 4, Lost 1
[FSS] vs KEA won 9-1 (1vs1)
[FSS] vs G$$ won 14-2 (2vs2)
[FSS] vs G4G won 7-3 (1vs1)
[FSS] vs WKN won 10-9 (2vs2)
[FSS] vs [FCG] lost 18-20 (2vs2)
Other Information: We only recruit the people who have mastered cs2d. Clan Name: Elite x(times) 3
Clan Leader: Kurtis
Total Members: 6
Clan Website: Http://
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes Recruiting 
Other Information: VERY Active Clan. Skilled members ONLY. Great Forum, update news, and fun polls!
*NEW* Country of Origin : United States

Link To Banner: Clan Name: toXic | Clan Gaming
Clan Leader: Z-Nox
Total Members: 15
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes, only for waiting list.
Other Information: CS2D gaming clan since 2008.
Country of Origin: USA
Clan Video:
hehe Marcinho is not Kc anymore...
mrc has written
hehe Marcinho is not Kc anymore...

I knew these players weren't loyal from the start, i just wanted to use these players to war 2dbr, but unfortunately that never happened because 2dbr leader mrc, either had really bad organization skills or he was just shit scared to play us. You may have been skilled in the old cs2d, but now days your little 2dbr clan aint nothing but a bunch of rejects. mrc has written
hehe Marcinho is not Kc anymore...

Lol me and matt and our other members honestly don't give a shit. Marcinho was useless to us anyways.
D1aMoNd_ has written
Now a days your little 2dbr clan aint nothing but a bunch of rejects.
I completely agree.
lol, that's incredible...
you all from Kc can say what you want to 2dbr...
we will not discuss with anyone anymore...
we learned that pro's don't care wath nbs says...
So, who knows what is 2dbr, knows what we really are...
and by the way,
I never thought that Kc was capable to use
a hacked de_dust version (kc_dust) to use it on clanwars...
I'll explain that better, they call you to a clanwar,
on kc_dust, and they not tell you that exist an invisible
trigger that takes you to a hidden place with
infinity money and kevlar+helm... that's so cheat man...
where is your pride as a player?
There can be a million of newbies clans, but if they
don't do a newbish thing like this, they will be and are
more respected than Kc...
in other words, after discovering this, you dont
have any respect from 2dbr, bye bye... ROFL. Marcio, do you honestly want me to upload kc_dust on here and let everyone see and test the map for any hacks, do you? Because I can do that now if you'd like me to.
BTW, Out of the 18 wars |Kc| has had, we only played 2 of them in kc_dust lmao. Dude grow the fuck up honestly.
You call us noobs? Lmao, I'll organize a 1 on 1 against all of you kids and then we'll see who the fuck you are to call a noob.
Oh and Marcio, do you really think we want or need your clans respect... Lmao, think again. Like matt said, you guys are a bunch of rejects.
Hahaha, I have nothing more to say, champz...
what a shame kc... what a shame...
invisible trigger to get infinity money and kevlar + vest...
oh boy, just ridiculous...
that was an "INTERNAL SECRET" that cames up to public...
who cares, 2 or one million cw you did man, thats sucks...
thats the same thing for cheaters, for example:
"I cheat just once, and I do not cheat anymore..."
once cheat, always cheat... tsc tsc tsc...
you ruined ur image in cs2d... that's all...
and Im not mentioning this just for u, im mentioning
for all loosers that made that... no more words, seriously!
well, noobs have a lot of ways to think...
and that is one of them, u calling to 1on1...
you're not tired to hear that exist latency from
our countries? If u are interesting to play in br servers,
so that can be, if u are thinking to play on ur dial-up
server, u can forgive it already...
hahahaha, im not talking just by myself...
kc dont have any respect of anyone else...
just of urs "friendly" players, that's all...
if u search real respect, you will find in,
king players, acid players and of course 2dbr players,
these are the 3 top more respect clans of all times...
and to finish...
you can say what u want...
kc is the best clan, u are the best clan... bla bla bla...
but don't forget, stop to live in ur fantasy world...
who say ur the best or not are the public, not just
by yourself... face it and grow up... edited 2×, last 18.01.09 08:38:23 pm
DC Admin
Where is evryone getting those ucoz from? ||ACID|| clan has been close.
Reason: Members are not active. mrc1 COMMUNITY BANNED
hehe, we know that...
and that was a long time ago...
but we cant forgort the road that they construct since old times!
thats is the respect that they obtained!
knowing that, I think 2dbr is the only remaining active clan since old times...
Admin/mod comment
this is a clan databse, not a stupid comment databse. pelase stop it. thanks /DC