I'm the leader (I mean - I was because does not exist lol).

I'm the leader (I mean - I was because does not exist lol).
Guest has written
Serious Fail.
Circa the idiot xD has written
Clan Name: [TGV] / Twisted Gold Veins
Clan Leader: Ajsec5000
Total Members: 27
Clan Website: http://www.tgvserver.info/forums/portal.php
Recruiting / Not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: Keep current info
Country of Origin: International
Clan Leader: Ajsec5000
Total Members: 27
Clan Website: http://www.tgvserver.info/forums/portal.php
Recruiting / Not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: Keep current info
Country of Origin: International
Serious Fail.
Just a suggestion, GTFO b4 one of the mods traces your IP and permanently bans you.
Clan Leader: Carizma
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: www.h1tec2d.co.nr
Recruiting / Not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: Experienced CS2D Gaming Since 2008
Country of Origin: Germany
Clan Name: 2dbr | 2D Brazil
Clan Leader: 2dbr | MRC
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: http://www.orkut.com.br/Main#Community.aspx?cmm=34802905
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: One of CS2D's old clans.
Country of Origin: Brazil
Clan Leader: Cameleon
Clan Vice Leader: Rag3
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: Coming Soon!
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes! 2 players. If you want to join plz go on TGV forums and PM Rag3
Other Information: One of CS2D's old clans.
Country of Origin: Poland
Clan Leader: Informatixa
Clan Vice Leader: Fusion
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: http://forum.europegamerz.eu/
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: ...
Country of Origin: Europe
Guest has written
Clan Name: ||ACID|| Clan
Clan Leader: Cameleon
Clan Vice Leader: Rag3
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: Coming Soon!
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes! 2 players. If you want to join plz go on TGV forums and PM Rag3
Other Information: One of CS2D's old clans.
Country of Origin: Poland
Clan Leader: Cameleon
Clan Vice Leader: Rag3
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: Coming Soon!
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes! 2 players. If you want to join plz go on TGV forums and PM Rag3
Other Information: One of CS2D's old clans.
Country of Origin: Poland
Lol eh Zyos if you really need help getting forums talk to me
Informatixa has written
Clan Name: EuropeGamerz
Clan Leader: Informatixa
Clan Vice Leader: Fusion
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: http://forum.europegamerz.eu/
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: ...
Country of Origin: Europe
Clan Leader: Informatixa
Clan Vice Leader: Fusion
Total Members: 4
Clan Website: http://forum.europegamerz.eu/
Recruiting or not Recruiting: No
Other Information: ...
Country of Origin: Europe
You're website isn't working for me. This happening to anyone else?
bokoko has written
lolz i think ||ACID|| is dead
||ACID|| is still alive
Informatixa has written
yes these forum europegamerz community, the forum of the team cs2d europegamerz is under construction
Roger that.
Site is merged with the 1.6 clan im in.