
Redemption XYZ has written
No, Sir Some of TGV's members sincerely suck but there arent many pros to recruit anymore. They are trying to recruit people who are average or above but you can't fin any of those either.
Alphimedia™ has written
TGV's a shit clan anyway.
You already got over 40 members.
Who cares if your got imposters.
You recruit all the people who can shoot a gun straight.
You already got over 40 members.
Who cares if your got imposters.
You recruit all the people who can shoot a gun straight.
No, Sir Some of TGV's members sincerely suck but there arent many pros to recruit anymore. They are trying to recruit people who are average or above but you can't fin any of those either.
You don't know me, so don't tell me what i can find and what i can't find.
There are heaps of decent players in cs2d. Does that mean you recruit them because there decent? Yeah why not...if you want a shit clan.
Good clans recruit the following Players:
- A great cs2d Player
- Above the age of 15 [Not necessary ]
- Someone who is willing to stay active on both cs2d and there clan site.
- etc...
An example of this would be clans 2dbr, |Kc|, ||ACID||, s†orm, and you could count |K|.
You dont make the rules.
There are no set rules on clans so don't talk sh*t.
on a side note your estimate of 40 members is off by a hell of a lot.
If you take a look at =[DoD]= they have 40 members.
If your gonna pick a fight add me on msn
- Email address (only visible with login) -
but your wont contact me i know your kind to much of a pussy to talk to me.
Guest has written
You don't know me, so don't tell me what i can find and what i can't find.
There are heaps of decent players in cs2d. Does that mean you recruit them because there decent? Yeah why not...if you want a shit clan.
Good clans recruit the following Players:
- A great cs2d Player
- Above the age of 15 [Not necessary ]
- Someone who is willing to stay active on both cs2d and there clan site.
- etc...
An example of this would be clans 2dbr, |Kc|, ||ACID||, s†orm, and you could count |K|.
There are heaps of decent players in cs2d. Does that mean you recruit them because there decent? Yeah why not...if you want a shit clan.
Good clans recruit the following Players:
- A great cs2d Player
- Above the age of 15 [Not necessary ]
- Someone who is willing to stay active on both cs2d and there clan site.
- etc...
An example of this would be clans 2dbr, |Kc|, ||ACID||, s†orm, and you could count |K|.
I'll take it from here.
It's really funny that you've never even bothered to impact your point back to the main argument your making. I see no analysis, and nothing that compels me to buy any of the garbage that you're throwing up. So here I'm going to counter what you've just said.
1. There's no correlation between the size of the clan and how good they are. If you think there is, you're wrong.
2. You set up the premise that a good clan stems from good players yet you failed to create any impact because of the following:
You never defined what a great cs2d player is.
You run a completely theoretical case with no support, no warrant, no analysis.
You failed to take into consideration many factors. One of them being that all of our members can get at least a 2:1 KPD when they play on our servers. And if you want any screenshots, I'll give them to you.
3. Your discriminatory views are unfounded. Please prove that only people over 15 are good. In other words, whether or not everyone over the age of 15 can beat Aj. By repeated experience and observations, and a conclusive set of empirical data, I am just going to say this: You are wrong yet again.
Also, don't make the fallacious assumption that anonymity equates to being a great player. Until we know who you are, we are going to assume that you're just another newbie who doesn't even know how to register on the forum.
Please think before you post garbage next time.
Guest has written
You don't know me, so don't tell me what i can find and what i can't find.
You are practically saying you are Alphimedia from what you said from this quote.
Then you say what i can find and what i cant find. Pretty much saying that you are a clan leader or a failing clan leader or both. Im not saying you can't beat me anyone can beat me.
Decent Players get better. Im pretty sure Aj or Lee werent maginficent players when they first started. I wasnt either.
You are then saying that maturity=better If its not neccessary then why put it in. Anyone could be lying about their actual age, Your probably some 10 year old player pretending he's in college or something.
GG, We win you lose, go QQ in a corner now
Clan name: >KoH< (King of Hearts)
Clan leader: Z-ro
Recruiting or not recruiting: Yes
Clan site:
Other info: Nothing much just a new clan?
edited 3×, last 18.05.08 12:53:55 am
Clan Leader :: QoRe.CL
Members :: 2
Clan Site ::
Other Info :: Recruiting 8 Members | Website by QoRe.CL
edited 4×, last 27.05.08 11:31:54 pm

edited 2×, last 28.05.08 01:15:25 am
Clan Name: |Kc| \ Kill Control
Clan Leader: Diamond
Total Members: 9
Clan Recruiting: Yes
Clan Website:
Other Information: None
( I made a couple of small banners, i don't know which one to use so you may decide.
Banner 1:

Banner 2:

Edit: Probably I'll edit in the next two weeks =/. Kind of busy with exams coming up.

edited 1×, last 08.06.08 11:24:39 pm
Clan Name :: l|ScM|l - Sin City Mafia
Clan Leader :: QoRe | CL
Members :: 4
Clan Site ::
Other Info :: Recruiting 6 More Members.

Clan Name: l|ScM|l ~ Sin City Mafia
Clan Leader: Ansid
Members: 5
Recruiting: Yes ~ Only 5 Recruits
Clan Site:
Other Info: Visit us !!
edited 2×, last 20.06.08 06:49:15 am

Guest has written
lmao, he created like 20 clans and change his name like his underwear haha 

LOL. Ok I see what you said about my name, but where the hell did you get 20 clans? LMFAO GTFO of here you lame noob. I have only created 3 clans, TSq when I just started playing CS2D which failed b/c I didn't know how to run a clan. |Kc| which is now at a great success. But I chose to leave |Kc| for a dumb reason then D1aMoNd took over, which resulted in me creating this new clan l|ScM|l.
And thank you redemption for starting this lame argument
