
Clan Name: Real Fraggers
Clan Tag: |RF| *
Clan Leader: none & KH.
Total Members: 11
Clan Website:
Other Information: We passed from French to european, playing at ICC V6.
Place of Origin: Europe
Recruiting :

edited 1×, last 17.11.13 01:07:33 pm

Clan Name: Reversed
Clan Leaders: Unknown
Total Members: 7

Clan Website:
Place of Origin: Asia/Venezuela
edited 1×, last 17.11.13 09:48:24 pm
Clan leader: Me
Total members: 5

Clan website: -Under project-
Place of origin: Incredible world of internet
Clan Name: Real Fraggers
Clan Tag: |RF| *
Clan Leader: none & KH.
Total Members:

Clan Website:
Other Information: CLOSED
Place of Origin: Europe
Recruiting :

• Name: Butterfly°effect
• Clan Tag: Butterfly°effect / B°e
• Clan Leader(s): Letza & k 0 z
• Total Members: 15 (Currently)
• Clan Website:
• Place of Origin: Europe
• Recruiting:

• Other Information: Compeditive 2D Clan Since 2011.
We're looking for skilled and deticated players.
With clan experience and Team-play knowledge.
Butterfly°effect Managment!
edited 5×, last 17.12.13 11:11:10 pm
Clan Tag: psK | etc...
Clan Leader: S!im* and Halo
Total Members: 6 for now and we go recruit more 4.
Clan Website:
Other Information: Active Clan ready to competitive scene and we looking for portuguese players (newcorners or skillers both are welcome). So if you are one of them pm me

The old leaders of xgaming are there.
Place of Origin: Portugal
Recruiting : YES
Status: DOWN
edited 4×, last 22.01.14 11:35:53 am

Admin/mod comment
Read this: Leader:

Clan Vice-Leader:

Clan website:

Clan Leader:

Total Members:1
Clan Website:
Other Information: Recuirting
Place of Origin:
Clan Leader : Razor
Total member : 2
Clan website :
Other Information : Recuirting
Place of Origin : Indonesia
we need more member
edited 2×, last 31.12.13 07:31:04 am
Clan Leader - Darcoz, Coffee, xtuke
Total Members - 10
Clan Website -
Other Information - We've started 1 week ago, so we want to recruit everyone that wants to apply. we got our own server, blacksun | public.
We accept anybody from all countries
Place of Origin - USA, - Venenzuela
Feel free to apply.
Clan Leader: Karma & Yates
Total Members: atm 428 including staff
Clan Website:
Other Information: At the moment 2 game servers online, which will be extended to around 10.
Place of Origin: Europe

Clan Name: Godlike
Clan Leader: Godlike | Snowy~*
Total Members: 2
Clan Website:
Other Information: Recruiting 9 members more
Place of Origin: Asia
Clan Leader: InterShift
Total Members: 5
Clan Website:
Other Information: No servers yet.
Place of Origin: South America - Argentina.

edited 2×, last 05.04.14 04:23:44 am
клан тег <KLAN-RUS>
yчастников -
сайта нет
по вопросам ко мне в лс на майл - Email address (only visible with login) -
кто создает серваки то тоже ко мне
Admin/mod comment

Clan Leader: Beatzem
Total Members: 5 members in european squad, 8 members in north america squad, 3 in south america squad and 4 in Asia/Oceanic squad.
Clan Website:
Other Information: Active Clan ready to competitive scene and we looking for skillfull players (or aleast new talents go want grow in cs2d scene) in all squads (eu,north am, south am and as/oc) so if you have this things apply and go help our team

Recruiting : YES
Status: Closed
edited 1×, last 12.03.14 12:26:13 pm

Members: 11
Tags: [Knife User] Nick ,»Knife User« |
Clan Leader : Shark Boy
Clan head admin : Sniper Killer
Clan Leader: ShouldBeNew
Total Members: 1
Clan Website:
Other Information: For invitation help and other read the page.
Place of Origin: Europe, Slovenia