I can see that you're acting stupid. Again. It also seems that you didn't notice your grammar mistake. Or maybe you think that there is no mistake. Oh well. You are a stupid man. Going around posting shit.
Maybe you do that. I said : "Isn't your business here". You came here on this topic to make Off-Topic. Why? Cause you have to do nothing at your home and wait for my comments. So sad, you didn't have a life.
So Gangsta has written:
has 20 years old
Whats wrong wit dat? U fink dat I don't now English?
This is what i meant by you making a mistake, Mr.Iknowalloftheenglishlanguagerules.
The answer is Mr. I know all of the English language rules
Know solve you my puzzle
Smr. Chitb = Maish Lyneg
Rearrange the words and you'll discover a truth
lucaSWAT: You're sarcasm sucks.