
Admin/mod comment

Clan Leader:Criss Leo,Luckz
Total Members:9
Other Information:It's a clan that going to be the top in CS2D !
Place of Origin:Malaysia
Everyone can be one of us by making application nad we will tryout u to decide which position u should be.

I didn't mentioned here my clan cause I want to quit to play cs2d

Stop telling lies.


Let me see if I understand correctly, you said you opened this clan, 20 years? for CS2D? , Our guy was so even if you do not know how to lie.
~ You tá the brinqueichon uite me, cara?
Admin/mod comment

I said this, but if you don't know how to read an English text, it's your problem
P.S. : An important rule in English language is that :
He - used for male persons
She - used for female persons
It - use for things

So gangsta has written
I wonder. How could you make such mistake if you know the "important" rules of English language. my friend who has 20 years old
Clan Leader: k 0 z
Total Members: 7
Clan Website:
Other Information:
Clan created in april 2013. Inactive at this time but will come back soon.
Some oldtimers playing together, having fun. expect us.

lucaSWAT: You're n00b and You must learn English. I said my friend who has 20 years old opened the server in 2006.
I said this, but if you don't know how to read an English text, it's your problem
P.S. : An important rule in English language is that :
He - used for male persons
She - used for female persons
It - use for things

I said this, but if you don't know how to read an English text, it's your problem
P.S. : An important rule in English language is that :
He - used for male persons
She - used for female persons
It - use for things

I'm sorry to disappoint you but I register the clan in this database, and I have proof that my clan is from 2008

P.S. : who - for persons, which - for things
Stupid again


What the fuck you don't read my comments ?

So Gangsta has written
I can see that you're acting stupid. Again. It also seems that you didn't notice your grammar mistake. Or maybe you think that there is no mistake. Oh well. You are a stupid man. Going around posting shit.Stupid again
P.S. :
So Gansta has written
Not always. which - for things
Clan Leader/Vice Clan Lider - Master/S!im*
Total Members - (5/10). Mabye in future more 10 slots for academy.
Clan Website -
Other Information - We are a E-sports clan so we play clan wars in tournaments and sometimes fun wars. If you have skills or pasion to play in tournament make a apply in website. Recruit is ON for more 5 slots.
Place of Origin - Europe
Status: Inactive
edited 3×, last 11.11.13 02:00:03 pm
Clan Leader: dão
Total Members: 7/8
Clan Website:
Other Information: clã since 2010 , all maps , pro game !
Place of Origin: brazil
Clan Leader: Flar3(quitting2d) Now Me Sas
Total Members: 3
Clan Website:
Other Information: The clan founder Flar3 and Math, but is closed in march or mayo. Now is open, but Flar3 quitting 2d and Me now is CL
Place of Origin: Canada / Argentina
Clan Leader: Clan Founder: Blood, but now is leader: Fusion and Mathematics
Total Members: 14 members
Clan Website:
Other Information: one of CS2D's oldest clans. We back to the actions, and is recruiting now.
Place of Origin: USA