darkill has written
I have learn he hack but when he hack i dont' was leader ; now he has stop to hack.
But you must know a trick : NO ONE of my player hack with <Died> and i don't take member who hack. When i have take lchn78, he wasn't an hacker.
But he only hack for him, not for the clan : not in train or CLanWar.
I musst talk with him about it. He have stop.
If he totaly stop to hack, it's ok for you or no ?
thx for youranswer
But you must know a trick : NO ONE of my player hack with <Died> and i don't take member who hack. When i have take lchn78, he wasn't an hacker.
But he only hack for him, not for the clan : not in train or CLanWar.
I musst talk with him about it. He have stop.
If he totaly stop to hack, it's ok for you or no ?
thx for youranswer

LMAO He told me he dosent hack when he has his tag on... he was in a non-dedi server and he was like. I dont hack when im in clan. But seriously you should kick him out if you havent already did. If DC says no hackers. No hackers