Clan Name: [HHF»] (Head Hunter Force)
Clan Leader: DarkSiders/Ferrari
Total Members: 12 ; still recruiting
Clan Website:
Other Information: Its a clan for cs2d
Place of Origin: Philippines/Malaysia
Clan Name: |Kc| / Killcontrol
Clan Leader: Diamond & Ecstasy
Total Members: (CS2D-Squad): 14
Clan Website:
Other Information:- Harnessing the best cs2d players since 2007
- Currently recruiting for AUS/NZ and Asian squad.
- European and American squads are closed until further notice clan name:{vak0m} master name:m0nster website:no have l please join me clan
hey me clan Clan Name:{vak0m}
Clan Leader: m0nster
Total Members: 3 this new clan join ok
Admin/mod comment
Doubleacc. Stop it! /ohaz Clan Name: .#ThE aTTaX |
Clan Leader: Phac
Total Members: (CS2D-Squad): 1 (Just reopend)
Clan Website:
Other Information: Searching professional players. Clan Name: iDreamz - [iD]
Clan Leader: DarkCrypter
Total Members: 0 - Still Recruiting.
Clan Website:
Other Information: The Clan Was Created On February 3, 2013 at 1:14 AM
Place of Origin: Philippines edited 1×, last 03.02.13 09:22:13 am
Clan Name: lone
Clan Leaders: United, Vision, Vamp.Bat, and LastHope
Total Members: 13
Clan Website:
Other Information: Currently open for recruitment; link to applications is here.
Place of Origin: North & South America
Other Information: Clan forums are exclusive to clan members only. Applicants will be informed if they were accepted or denied through the shout-box located at the main page of the site or by using Xfire.
edited 1×, last 05.02.13 12:22:58 am
Admin/mod comment
Open again thanks to the leader (Juan)
Clan Name:Celestial Gods
Clan Leader:@113932
Total Members:5 or 6
Clan Website:
Other Information:New clan for people who speak spanish
Place of Origin:Perú
CG | Public edited 6×, last 21.03.13 02:07:48 am
Clan name:NoFear
Clan leader: N00B
Total members:23
Clan website:
Other information:Only 1 lost and 5 win's >3
Place of origin: Poland, Germany *Updated*
Clan Name: Label
Clan Leader: Chemistry
Total Members: 12
Clan Website:
Place of Origin: Asia
edited 1×, last 26.03.13 09:10:56 am
Clan Name : Black Sheep
Clan Tag : [B.Sheep]
Clan Leader :
Total Members : 33
Clan Website :
Other Information : We are a cool clan , with a amzing server
Place of Origin : Brazil
Server : [B.Sheep]#Zombie Plague
Logo :
edited 2×, last 12.02.13 04:33:15 pm

Clan Name: BESTF5VE
Clan Leader: bene (maq)
Total Members: 5
Clan Website:
Other Information:
Request a Clan & Fun War on website
Place of Origin: BRAZIL
Xirot has written
Clan Name: Each Sky Calls.
Clan Leader: Daky and me.
Total Members: 13.
Clan Tag : »Esc |
Clan Website:
Other Information: This clan is powred by gen3x project.
P.S : It's an old clan however I forget to put a comment here.
como faço pra entrar nesse clan Admin/mod comment
Clan Name: [A2]
Clan Leader:
Total Members: 153 ( updated )
Clan Website:
Other Information:
Best of Citylife
Place of Origin: VietNam
edited 9×, last 31.05.13 05:38:50 pm
~Closed edited 2×, last 07.03.13 09:43:18 am
;ssssssssssssssss edited 1×, last 19.02.13 07:07:14 am
Admin/mod comment
Clan Leader:DK
Total Members:12
Clan Website:constrution
Recruiting or not Recruiting: no
Country of Origin:brazil Clan Name:*Türkiye*
Clan Leader:MassiveStroke
Total Members:8
Clan Tag : TR
Clan Website:Türkiye edited 1×, last 23.03.13 10:18:00 am