edited 3×, last 31.07.12 11:27:01 am

Clan Leader: [AoM-CL]_StirlizZ-Fapicon
Total Members: 5
Clan Website: aom-clan.ru
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruting, from all countries
Other Information: Yep, we back.
Country of Origin: Russian Federation
clan leader:jewzaaa/agash2010
total members:2
website:not finish
recruiting or no recruiting:no
server info:plz do u want join my clan but srry i have'nt server
my parents don't want buy me and i don't how to have freeserver
and no hack.
Country of origine:englend and france
As of now, I'm currently updating the format and the clans already in the database. Clans that haven't been added to the database, but have been posted in the thread are the second priority. For full updates, check out:
Hope to see you guys there.

- Clan Name: .: uLtimaTe :.
- Clan Leader[s]: CoSmo, GSG9 - Vice Clan Leader: ProoF
- Total Members: 14
- Website: www.ultimate.cs2d.net
- Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting OFF - special applies only accepted
- Other Information:Clan made by CoSmo and GSG9 in 2012, after their long experience in Clans like sH and >'#Black#'<
Country of Origin: Paneuropean

edited 3×, last 12.05.12 02:31:21 pm
Clan Leader: Rain
Total Members: 14 ( at the Moment )
Clan Website: www.elite2d.clan.su
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting

Other Information: at the moment we have 3 squads Main / International / Elite ,maybe a Academy will come we have 8 servers and we are active an good players
servers :
Country of Origin: International

Clan Closed

edited 1×, last 26.03.12 09:35:33 pm
Kc is Clan and the same time is Company ?
CoolRun has written
08/03/12: A short update today guys! There are now 200 clans that are fully updated to the middle of page 51 of the original clan database thread. There were a lot of rocky formats to deal with, so I hope the result so far has little error. More clans will be added soon. Thanks for not bashing me too much. 

edited 2×, last 08.03.12 03:09:38 pm
Clan Leader: Snakel,Pyrate Boy(inactive)
Total Members: 7
Clan Website: kockateam.tumblr.com,kockateam.forumx.hu(hungarian forum)
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: Old,nice clan
Place of Origin: Hungarian/Russian
Clan Leader: H4RDoX
Clan Tag: [D4RK]
Total Members: 1
Clan Website: http://darknessteam.ucoz.ru/
Place of Origin: Russia

Clan Leader: Infa
Total Members: currently 6
Clan Website: www.onrush.tk
Other Information:





Place of Origin: Europa

edited 1×, last 14.03.12 06:19:22 pm
Clan Tag: |Plus+|
Clan Leader: Blpzz9
Total Members: 21 currently
Clan Website: In construction
Place of Origin: Malaysia
Other Information: Plus Clan was created long ago but now i have recruited many members.

Clan Leader: nwp
Total Members: 10
Clan Website: http://www.mtdgaming.hd1.com.br/
Other Information:
Place of Origin: Brazil

Clantag: [FK-GAMING]
Clanleader: own (#13824)
Total Members: 9/10
Website: www.fkgaming.wehostu.net
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Recruiting
Other Information: Official Brazilian Clan Since 2009
Place of Origin: Brazil

edited 1×, last 19.05.12 03:02:12 am
Tag: TAB
Leader: Yates, Sunny
Members: Around 9-10
Other info: Just a clan, not so serious as you can see by the name.
Right now David is making us an actual forum from scratch. We have a domain and as soon as David is done it will be used (Not Factis, but uPrate6).

I just revived this shit.
(Clan is gone, no need to pay attention).
edited 1×, last 02.08.12 01:27:56 pm

Clan Leader : Furius
Total Members : 5
Clan Website : http://ss2d.enjin.com
Recruiting: √
Other Information : Learned from one of the best (In-game name : PLague from FL)
Place of Origin : Philippines!
edited 3×, last 29.04.12 08:00:26 am