coolrun has written
Alright, before I update everything here, I need confirmation if yes, you want me to post all their members, or no. I also have an idea that instead of adding all of the clan's members names, why not just put the main players in your clan and/or A.K.A "Clan War" members. That way, you will know the strongest people in the other clans as well as how to plan a clan war against them with their strengths and weakneses XD. But anyways, post your ideas.
Didn't D1aMoNd leave like forever?
Nah man he decided to stay playing, which is good
Clan Name: [blitz]
Clan Leader: stuart123dark
Total Members (estimate): 1(just started)
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: recruiting 
Other Information: new clan, go to the website for more info Are you actually good? Do people say you are good. Than if you are hope your clan stays that was kinda confusing...
but anywayz im sorta good considering i only just started playing the game...
Clan Name: [UEC]
Clan Leader: [UEC]~T@nK_
Total Members: 1
Clan Recruiting: Yup
Clan Website:
Clan Other Info: Clan Name :: |AK| / Anger Killers
Clan Leader :: |AK|benny
Total Members :: 1
Clean Recruiting :: Yes
Clan Website ::
Clan Other Info :: ----- Clan Name :: nwC | New World Chaos
Clan Leader :: DiVersion/Nightmare/Joe
Total Members :: 3
Clean Recruiting :: Yes
Clan Website ::
Clan Other Info :: ----- |Kc| Clan Update
Clan Name :: |Kc| \ Kill Control
Clan Leaders :: D1aMoNd | CL ~//~ Ecstasy | VCL
Total Members :: 8
Clan Recruiting :: Yes
Clan Website ::
Clan Other Info :: Clan Tryout System edited 1×, last 03.04.08 02:08:16 am
This is going to be a pain to update.
Expect one after I get some sleep.
~CoolRun Guest has written
Clan Name :: nwC | New World Chaos
Clan Leader :: DiVersion/Nightmare/Joe
Total Members :: 3
Clean Recruiting :: Yes
Clan Website ::
Clan Other Info :: -----
I thought DiVersion was in Kc... Thanks Ra1den
Lee Moderator
Hey CoolRun,
Don't worry about putting that [UEC] clan on the list.
There Leader ditched the clan.
Lol I saw him in the server with a TGV tag on haha I think Tank is in [TGV] , They recruited him, that's why he ditched [UEC] Lolz. And then Aj told him he wasnt.. Clan Name: <Died> [died if the HTLM code is actived)
Clan Leader: darkill (in waiting to a new, i don't play with died of course)
Total Members (estimate): 2 without me
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes, recruiting (only french speakin player)
Other Information: died is an old clan, creat in 2006 by skynap and LIM. I was leader and i have quit for sH, but the new leader has make bad leading. Now, i only help him, in waiting of a new leader. I just "leade" the clan but i don't play with died. My leader of sh is agree about it ! Clan Name: <SouL_HunterS>
Clan Tag: sH | nick
Clan Leader: se_ba a.k.a. oMg
Total Members: for now 7
Clan Website: or
Recruiting ON - we looking for good members... more info at clan page
Other Information: Clan since 2004
creted by me (se_ba) and czaha a.k.a. gr_eg...
darkill has written
Clan Name: <Died> [died if the HTLM code is actived)
Clan Leader: darkill (in waiting to a new, i don't play with died of course)
Total Members (estimate): 2 without me
Clan Website:
Recruiting or not Recruiting: Yes, recruiting (only french speakin player)
Other Information: died is an old clan, creat in 2006 by skynap and LIM. I was leader and i have quit for sH, but the new leader has make bad leading. Now, i only help him, in waiting of a new leader. I just "leade" the clan but i don't play with died. My leader of sh is agree about it !
The guy <Died>Lchn78 is a hacker. I got his ip and not only that he goes by RoXor when he hacks please kick him out if you havent already did... Admin/mod comment
please don't complain in the forums about hackers. At least, use PMs/Flying Lizard I have learn he hack but when he hack i dont' was leader ; now he has stop to hack.
But you must know a trick : NO ONE of my player hack with <Died> and i don't take member who hack. When i have take lchn78, he wasn't an hacker.
But he only hack for him, not for the clan : not in train or CLanWar.
I musst talk with him about it. He have stop.
If he totaly stop to hack, it's ok for you or no ?
thx for youranswer