
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
25 replies
Are you going to buy the new Book?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes, shure! | 27.59% (8) | |
Maybe... | 13.79% (4) | |
No, I dont | 24.14% (7) | |
I hate Harry Potter... | 34.48% (10) |
29 votes cast
It put a good end to the series, no matter what all those criticizens in the media said. The best and most mature part.

I would rather steal.

Ps. I don't even like harry potter books so why buy.

I liked the movies a bit, but that's all.

I am willing to accept your opinions to crash my new nice cool blueberry pie with custard.
And the title of this book sound familiar.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Health Pack at Dream Hack -rofl.
Don't know what dreamhack is? search google.
Or click this link!
And this is what happens when you are having a sleep-over at DH. lol!
And I recommend you to read some books instead of wasting your time for MMORPGs... I presume that that dream hack is some WoW freakshit.