
Need sound rip method for sounds
10 replies

When you've started the editor there appears a window. At the Top of that window are Textures,Actor Classes,...
Select Sounds and open the file "S_AA2_WeaponsUS.uax".
In the list you need the Indoorfire- and Outdoorfiretypes if you want to have the fire sounds.
Sry for my bad english...

In the openjing window (Volume control) you click on "Options" or something like that in the menu and choose "Properties".
Then you click the radio button "Recording" and you have to tick the field "Stereo Mix" or something that sounds similar

You close the field with "OK" and then you choose the thing as recorded device. (The fields below the controllers)
Now you can record the sound with a sound recorder of your own choose.

If anyone knows of some free program I can use please tell me!
If there is nothing (means Mic only), you have to enable those Channels in your Windows Sound Settings.
Maybe Fraps works in the AAEditor...
dr 1337 has written
I have a strong suspicion that the Vista sound panel is different from the old one but I did find this one thing. Theres an "Aux" controller, but I enabled it and it still doesnt work. I think the aux is the speakers but im not sure. Help!
Maybe Fraps works in the AAEditor...
Maybe Fraps works in the AAEditor...
Aux is some other channel then "Stereo Mix". I am not sure what it was for, but it's pretty old. Aux means usually something external (at least in flying).
Try to find another channel.