Editing rank fileAtomKuh User Offline 24.01.18 07:05:37 pm Hey guys can someone please tell me how I can edit the rank file of my server? I would like to decrease the score of some players. btw User stats editor doesnt work anymore Thanks in advance
Re: Editing rank fileGeoB99 Moderator Offline 24.01.18 07:45:12 pm Assuming that .dat extension file is text-based you should be fine using Notepad, even Notepad++.
Re: Editing rank fileAtomKuh User Offline 24.01.18 08:53:56 pm By opening these .dat files I always get these strange characters:
Re: Editing rank fileDC Admin Online 24.01.18 09:03:23 pm The file is not text based. It's binary. So no, you can't use simple text editors to manipulate it easily. You could use a HEX editor but it's still kind of difficult to edit it that way.
Re: Editing rank fileAtomKuh User Offline 24.01.18 09:31:15 pm @ DC: Is there another way to decrease the saved score in the rank file of a player?
Re: Editing rank fileDC Admin Online 24.01.18 09:50:57 pm I don't think so. I think you have to edit the file.