skiper has written
but when i make any moovie with anyprogram in anygame it's size is over 100 mb for 30 seconds..WTF?(avi format)
I know. But there are better formats, like MPEG-1, MOV or Ogg (Yes, there are Ogg-Vorbis-Videos!).
Use some converter, for example Super.
It's free, it's easy, and it's powerfull
I use it to convert the Videos I downloaded from Youtube as *.flv
lol ok thx dude!
Ich muss das jetzt mal auf Deutsch erklären, damit es die Deutschen unter uns verstehen:
Bizzl, user des "us" forums,
ich denke, dass sich viele angekotzt fühlen, durch den Dreck, der hier zu Stande kommt.
Ich meine, was soll das? Corporation? Wie kann ein Pokemonfan eine Corporation haben?
Oder was ist mit den dummen CS2D fragen und den Fragen, die immer wieder auftauchen?
Ist das etwa der DC, der hier sein board aufpeppen will?
Ich sage nur eins:
Für mich ist das hier alles wie 1+1=7.
Danke für eure Aufmerksamkeit. Admin/mod comment
Don't write German in the English forum! /HW Kay HW, in English(+ Add.):
I think that the quality of the posts here are very bad.
See the "Intel vs. Athlon" thread.
And I think that many people feel pissed by the stupid posts and things in this board.
How can a Prokemonfan have a corporation? How?!
Or see the all the stupid CS2D/Stranded questions.
The posts and the quality is like 1+1=7. Unknown has written
I think that the quality of the posts here are very bad.
See the "Intel vs. Athlon" thread.
And I think that many people feel pissed by the stupid posts and things in this board.
But you can't stop this by moaning and posting wrong. That's stupid, too 
Unknown has written
How can a Prokemonfan have a corporation? How?!
How can I note "Miriquidi Software Engineering" anywhere in my Programs? Let him, it's just a little fun for him.
Unknown has written
Or see the all the stupid CS2D/Stranded questions.
We call that "support". There will always be stupid users (no offense against anyone) hey guys how do you rate this:
skiper has written
hey guys how do you rate this
Eye-Cancer. Not totally, but nearly.
I won't make such blinking stuff, it scares away other people. thanks alot
i can make even better
"Even"? Your self-confidence is remarkable.
This leads too far anyway.
Use "name avatars" if you want to get feedback for such graphics.
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