
unreal software film 2
28 replies
All: Not funny...
No Trial... no trial... Dicker is a good boy... hehe... no trial anymore... hehe... no trial will harm me anymore... THEY are chasing me... THEY won't get me...
THEY call me crazy but I'm not crazy... I'm the only one that's not crazy!!!! WHAAAA.....

650 for Flash 8 Prof are absolutely appropriate and affordable for any student like me! Buy it if you want it!

xiao has written
still needs work..
All: Not funny...
All: Not funny...
Just regard it as a joke

skiper has written
EC:flash 8 prof you mean flash player 8?is there a demo or sometihng
The Flash player afaik freeware.
He mean a program simply called Flash 8 Professional, which is the IDE/Compiler for the stuff played in the Flash Player. For Demos best look at adobes homepage, perhaps you find something.

Silent_Control has written
can u give me a program freeware to make avi films with frames?
You mean an BMP->AVI Converter?
Look over google, you possibly find something

skiper has written
so what's teh big deal?
you also see it when its bmp and you can post it but in avi you have to download (i think) 

If he uploads it at youtube or googlevideo, then not

BMPs are the wrong format for the internet (actually, it's sort of forbidden!), and GIF is definitivly the wrong format for any type of animation that has more then 20 Frames.