
Should Quality Control be enforced?
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Yes | 0.00% (0) | |
Maybe | 0.00% (0) | |
No | 0.00% (0) |
42 votes cast

I think however that all or most files for other games than CS2D should be accepted because there aren't many anyway. Over 7800 of the ~8500 files here are for CS2D.
Approved user - someone who has proven his skill in the skins making already
Thats the whole point of my idea

zazz: DC said he'll make a thread about it later but using common sense, I'm guessing you have to be an user that's been here for a while, active on forum (thus sees the files uploaded) and can evaluate a file fairly.

Good!, btw i've always been here, since 2009.
This was my EX Usgn: 24837
Yeah, DC aldready knows about it.

Of course very popular files should not be declined even if they contain bugs. Bugs are not a reason at all to remove files.
And files fixing bugs of popular scripts because the actual author is inactive shouldn't be removed either I guess. Unless there are good reasons to do so.
And files fixing bugs of popular scripts because the actual author is inactive shouldn't be removed either I guess. Unless there are good reasons to do so.
So there's this idea... to make comments to the approved files as well, like, for example:
This file has been reviewed and approved by Someone (Somewhen)
Recommended to download bugfixes there and there

Of course this makes sense only if there are more files of that type

Re: Quality Control
Deleted User

Add a feature to report a file, over ~10 reports will decline it.
It can get very abusive

Here's the reviewer election thread:

yes we need it!