Forum Moderator
This rank will have just the moderation rights to moderate the Forum entry, temp.banning users locking the Forum section only, moving threads to the right section, closing them and so on.
F.A. Moderator
While in this rank, those people on this rank group will have the moderation rights to moderate only the File Archive, removing files, temp.banning users by locking the F.A. section only and that's all.
Junior Moderator
As for this rank, well, it does have all the moderation rights except for the administration rights such as permanently banning users, changing the rank mode like Idiot, Super User, etc. and fully editing of profiles. By meaning "Junior" is a trial moderator or just a junior one which this type of moderator is kept on test for few months to see how he can do his job properly.
If this moderator is doing a pretty good job and
DC approves we can promoting him to Moderator rank. Otherwise if he either behaves in a bad way or is doing his job badly, we can demote him to User. This is what will be like

Junior Moderator

You might or
DC dislike the fact that promoting people to Junior mod will be taken care by Moderators. Of course, that doesn't mean they (the moderators) will promote shit tons of people or those with childish and inappropriate behaviour and such as they have to re-evaluate the person carefully. In this case, seeing that
DC doesn't care about or doesn't have so much time, then the moderators will take care of it.
Why this?
Because for the sake of activeness and helpfulness. Just think about it. This will help a lot the moderation team in case if most of the moderators are inactive or can't take care of the whole Unreal Software website themselves. I'll expect that *electing new mods is just fine* but still it's more useful.
If you don't like those F.A. and Forum moderator ranks then what about the Junior Moderator?